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Steered Straight Thrift

The No. 1 Reason Why Fishing is a Great Activity

The Carper boys with a catch of crappie.

Throughout my life I have fished every opportunity I have had. If it was a bass tournament, a fishing trip with a friend or family member, or a day fishing alone, I enjoyed getting out on the water and casting a line. I believe my passion with fishing started with a love for the outdoors. Just being on the water was worth going to the lake alone, but I also found that fishing with friends and family offered something that I could not buy or produce on my own. It was the stories told on the water, the fellowship, and relationships that were formed that captured me in this great sport.

The No. 1 reason why fishing is a great activity is the quality time spent with family and friends. Every once in a while I want to get out on the water and just be alone (except for Mo, my dog . . . he is always with me). This when I have a rough week or want some quiet alone time to clear my mind. Except for that, I always ask someone to come along with me. Fishing with friends is great because you get to catch up with what is going on in their lives. We also get to talk about sports and whatever else is on our minds. Most of my closest friends are people that I go fishing with, and I believe that is true with 99 percent of fishermen. Every time my family comes into town we know that one day is dedicated to fishing; it is automatic. We get out on the water and spend some quality time together, something that most families struggle to do, and fishing is one of the best ways to accomplish that goal.

Now, there are many other reasons why fishing is great, but this reason alone is why I enjoy fishing so much. If there is ever a day that you do not enjoy being at the lake looking at God’s creation and catching fish with friends, then you might want to look for another hobby. As for me, I do not believe that day will ever come, and until it does you can catch me out on the lake.

God Bless,


About the Author

Brian Carper is a local fishing guide working Percy Priest and Old Hickory lakes. For any questions on fishing, contact him at (615) 278-6311 or

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1 Comment

  • Harrison Ward

    Fishing is a nice sport and it is a good past time too. I enjoy fishing specially during weekends.`~;

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