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Steered Straight Thrift

Don Gallardo

Sweetheart Radio Revolution, Etc.

3.5 pulses

Whenever a poignant and well-composed work of Americana or alt-country comes out, in come the rich metaphors and comparisons to country legends and folksy supergroups like Traveling Wilburys. But in the case of Don Gallardo’s Sweetheart Radio Revolution, Etc., the comparisons are fitting.

In spite of playing famous venues all over the nation (The Fillmore and The Whiskey-A-Go-Go, to name a few) and opening for Roseanne Cash, Gallardo has kept a low profile, peddling breezy indie folk with a Western sentiment. Nashville knows what that’s about, and not surprisingly, Gallardo found a home for himself in Music City. With band How Far West, Gallardo found a home for his album as well and released Sweetheart in 2009, with a cover design produced by Nashville’s Electric Western Records.

There’s no mistake about the old-time appeal of Sweetheart, and likenesses have been drawn between Gallardo and the likes of Ryan Adams, Tom Petty and Steve Earle. Bold comparisons, yes, but not off base. As a nostalgia-kissed contemporary looking longingly to the West and into the past, Sweetheartplays out just like its name in a voice as imploring and earnest as The Volebeats, but it still has something more daring lurking underneath.

It’s adorned with the bubbling bluegrass pluck of a banjo, gentle strumming and sporadic harmonica. Mandolins and organs sing in the background. Unhurried love songs unfold like country roses when Gallardo isn’t spouting whimsical lines in laid-back sing-alongs, like in the closing track “Take Me Home” (one of the best apart from opening track, “Sittin on Top of the World) in which Gallardo says, “We’d be ghosts just floating by in the key of C.”

The album is filled with interesting lines to ponder, and even when it slows down towards the middle, it manages to pique the listener’s interest again through rustic and easy-going melodies that have slack romance and an element of danger at the core.


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  • Donna Jean

    Love the album..Songs original meaningful…Voice great. I just love it………

  • Donna Jean

    Your best work todate. Sitting on top of the world could be a huge hit!!!! Good luck Don, keep up the good work.

  • El Marquez

    This is your best work todate Don. Sitting On Top of The World could be a huge single and enjoy listning to it often, there isn’t a bad song in the entire CD. Keep up the good work and good luck with this latest CD.

  • Gartonian

    The CD is great. Got it on my iPod and listen to it often. Give us more please!

  • Don Gallardo – Sweetheart Radio Revolution Etc. [2009] | bolachas

    […] rustic and easy-going melodies that have slack romance and an element of danger at the core. ~ boropulse GD Star […]

  • Francisco G

    understand we will be hearing your cd on radio stations. Cann’t wait to hear them.

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