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Community Pulse

Funk Your Flamadiddle
David Kiviniemi is presenting an in-store Drum Clinic at Music World & Drummer’s Den Thursday, March 3 at 6 p.m. entitled “50 Ways to Funk Your Flamadiddle—Understanding Funk Drumming Concepts and Techniques.” David is an All-Star Band Alumnus, winner of the John Phillip Sousa music award, as well as a former member of the MTSU Band of Blue and MTSU Percussion Ensemble. David has over 40 yeas of experience teaching and performing behind a drum kit.

Refreshments will be served and door prizes and percussion study materials given away.

Music World is located at 2762 S. Church St. For more information, call (615) 893-4242.

Bring your Bike, Bring a Book
Smoopy’s Spring Swap & Shine will be held March 19 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at Lanes, Trains and Automobiles. The outdoor event will feature a bicycle parts swap meet, show & shine area for bragging rights, a 50/50 drawing, door prizes from local merchants, live music and games.

Donations of used or new children’s books will also be accepted for Ride for Reading Nashville.

For more information, call Smoopy’s at (615) 410-3928.

Sing for the Sounds
The Nashville Sounds will hold tryouts for national anthem singers on Saturday, March 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Greer Stadium.

All individuals and groups interested in singing “The Star Spangled Banner” prior to a 2011 home game must audition on this date. Tryouts are available on a first-come, first-served basis during the designated time period. This will serve as the only audition date prior to the 2011 season. All interested parties will be required to sing a live, acapella version of the national anthem during the tryout.

For more information, call Buddy Yelton at (615) 690-HITS ext. 124 or visit

Relay Through Cannon County
The Stones River Relay will begin at Short Mountain and 22 miles later conclude at the Readyville Mill. The relay, held Saturday, April 2, has three stages; a 4.5 mile run, an 8.5 mile bike ride and a 9 mile paddle.

Check-in on event day will be from 8–8:30 a.m. at the Arts Center of Cannon County. Canoes and kayaks will be inventoried there; participants and their bicycles will be shuttled to Short Mountain School where bikes will be inventoried; runners will then be driven to the top of Short Mountain to the Relay starting point. The run will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Though the run and bicycle legs are downhill and the floating leg downstream, racers can participate in only one or two legs if they choose, or groups of 3 may complete the course as a team, so athletes of all skill levels can participate.

Proceeds from the event go to the non-profit Stones River Watershed Association. For more information, visit or contact Neal Appelbaum at (615) 563-3276.

Alpha Delta Pi-athlon
A smaller version of a triathlon will be held on the MTSU campus beginning at 8 a.m. Sunday, April 3. It includes a 300 meter swim, a 10 mile bike ride, and a 3.14 (pi) mile run.

The swim will be in the MTSU campus recreation center indoor pool; the bike ride will begin and end on MTSU’s campus; and all of the run will be on campus. Proceeds will benefit the Ronald McDonald House and Alpha Delta Pi’s Scholarship program.

For more information, visit or register at, keyword Pi-athlon.

Three Days of Action
The United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties will host its Days of Action March 31-April 2. The event, which seeks to get community members involved in various service projects, has expanded from one day to three days in 2011 as a result of a partnership with MTSU’s “Big Event” program and plans to engage more volunteers with an extended amount of shifts.

Volunteers wishing to register through United Way can complete the online form at MTSU students may register to volunteer through the MTSU Student Government Association at (615) 898-2464.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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