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Steered Straight Thrift

High-water Fishing

It might not be as bad as the flood of 2010, but I still find myself looking at Percy Priest Lake thinking “not again.”

With the recent rain dropped on Middle Tennessee, Percy Priest Lake is flooded 10 feet over summer pool. If you are like me, your first thought is, “What is this going to do to the fishing?” I am here to tell you that there is nothing to worry about. Although the water is high and acres of shoreline are flooded, the fish still have to eat . . . you just have to know where to find them. One of my favorite places to fish for bass when the water is high is any type areas that I can reach shallow water. I search for areas of the lake where I can cast my lure to 1-5 feet of water. The bass are always going to be shallow when the water rises because that is where tons of insects, smaller fish, oxygen and cover are. I have found great success on baits that resemble shad or bluegills. Another lure that I love to fish when the lake floods is the popper.

Once again, this lure needs to be cast to areas where you can reach the bank. Also, try around public boat ramps and parks, where there are no trees, just grass and random structure. A flooded lake can be very intimidating, but if you just remember that fish have to eat and try a few of these tips, you should find your next trip to the lake a memorable one.


About the Author

Brian Carper is a local fishing guide working Percy Priest and Old Hickory lakes. For any questions on fishing, contact him at (615) 278-6311 or

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