What a summer! Federal debt and spending debates blazed hotter than . . . a Murfreesboro blacktop parking lot in July, and the NFL lockout received more attention and talk than the sports that were really going on this summer.
At least the important one that the American people care about is resolved for the next 10 years. It’s very American to get into massive amounts of debt, but to not care because the football games are on.
Have the Congresspeople ever watched late-night TV? Every other commercial is from a very caring company here to assist in consolidating your debt. Just pick up the phone, call the hotline, and someone will be standing by to help you. U.S. government, get out of debt.
Sure, $14 trillion can seem overwhelming, but the friendly debt consolidations people work with your creditors to achieve real solutions.
The Mayo family has been loving the fresh veggies this summer. Not that our little patch has kept us completely fed but we have our sources (grandparents are growing geniuses).
Fruits and veggies are a gift from God; sometimes you just have to help out preparing the ground if you want something in particular that year, the rest is like magic.
Contrary to popular belief, every meal does not have to contain high fructose corn syrup and/or something bearing the Great Value label.
Get your electric bills paid, people, then with all your leftover money take your date or family out for some nice dollar menu action. Only two items per person!
Or eat food from the dirt. Really, veggies probably taste best with a little dirt left on. Growing a productive garden can certainly help keep your food expenses lower than your electricity.
Here’s a newsworthy freebie for you: see great music every Wednesday with no cover charge. Local Color, through a partnership between the good folks at Bluesboro, MTTV, The Pulse and various sponsors and performers, will host great free weekly concerts.
Ask me how a $30 tire balance saved my marriage.
I’ve said recently there should be a heavyweight class in 5k’s and other footraces. It’s not realistic for your editor to compete with 115-pound Kenyan super runners.
And as a matter of fact, many races do have these heavyweight categories; they’re called the Clydesdale division.
The folks over at Fulins say Pulse readers are not their customers. Thanks for the insight.
Is this true? Really, we should make it true . . . go to Lemongrass anyway.
Enjoy the issue, and remember, I didn’t ask to be the Captain, God just made me this way.