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Steered Straight Thrift

Farmers Market Epitomizes Shop Local Concept

Saturday mornings are typically slow for Murfreesboro’s historic downtown—government offices are closed and restaurants don’t usually open until lunchtime—but the Square has been abuzz with activity for the past couple of months.

That’s all thanks to the Main Street Saturday Market, which offers local residents a chance to buy locally grown produce, locally made jams, pies and breads, and locally produced flowers, meats and even dog treats.

Am I stressing the “local” factor enough?

We’ve all heard the phrase “Shop Local” by now, and at least some of us fully understand the importance of shopping at locally owned businesses, but Farmers Markets take the concept to an entirely different level.

It means fresher and more nutrient-filled fruits and veggies for shoppers, but it also provides an outlet for vendors to sell their goods.

The Blue Porch owners Donnell and Wanda Thompson set up shop every week for the Main Street Saturday Market, which is now in its second year. Wanda Thompson said she sold her homemade goods every Saturday last year, too, but this year is different.

“We have a lot of repeat customers who knew about us and knew about the Market, and they walk right up,” she said. “They don’t need samples or anything—they just buy from us. Last year, because we were new . . . everybody wanted to sample.”

Saturday Market shoppers crave The Blue Porch’s chicken salad and pimento cheese, and they’re also hiring the Readyville business to cater various events.

“It’s slammed this year—it’s just amazing—and it’s been really good for The Blue Porch,” Thompson said.

“We’re selling twice as much of everything than we did last year. We post on Facebook what we’re bringing every week, and I’m making double what I did last year, and we can’t make it to 12 o’clock (before selling out of everything).”

In addition to the Saturday Market, residents can also visit the Rutherford County Farmers Market at the Lane Agri-Center on John R. Rice Boulevard, just off Old Fort Parkway, which is available from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. every Tuesday and Friday.

This Farmers Market used to be held at Cannonsburgh Village, but moved with the relatively recent completion of the Agri-Center.

Saturday Market-goers who visit the Rutherford County Farmers Market will see many familiar faces, both in fellow shoppers and vendors, including Marcy Jams.

Interestingly enough, if it hadn’t been for the Saturday Market’s inception, Marcy Jams wouldn’t be in existence.

Owner Marcy Beavers said she heard about the up-and-coming Market last year and knew she wanted a booth, but had nothing to sell. She had strawberries on hand and decided to make some jam.

Such was the creation of Marcy Jams, which has become a favorite among the Murfreesboro community.

“I’ve got people that come back over and over and over,” Beavers said. “They came up to me the first Saturday it started (this year) and said, ‘You’re why I’m here. I’ve waited all winter to find you.”

Last year, Marcy Jams didn’t have a website, but “all that’s changed.”

“This year has just been 10 times better, and I’m more excited about it,” she said. “The market has doubled my business last year. It’s pretty amazing.”

Marcy Jams now offers between 25 and 30 different jams every Saturday, but Pepper Jelly is the big seller.

“I would say Strawberry Jalapeno has given Pepper Jelly a run for its money,” Beavers said with a laugh. “It’s homemade—that’s why people love it.”

John Erdmann of Erdmann Farm was one of the original 12 vendors at the Saturday Market and now is one of 30 sellers each weekend.

“I’m glad it finally came. My timing as a farmer and the timing of its opening are perfect,” he said.

“I work full-time, and I couldn’t do the Rutherford County Farmers Market (which is during the week). The first three years, we’d go to Woodbury, which was fun. I knew the market manager at the time, and it was fun, but I definitely love the Murfreesboro Market.”

Erdmann says he’s broken a personal sales record in the past four weeks alone.

“Right now, I’ve got lots of sunflowers and zinnia and cucumbers, squash, peppers and basil. Tomatoes haven’t come yet, but it’ll be soon,” he added.


Main Street Saturday Market
Murfreesboro Historic Square
8 a.m. to noon
Every Saturday through October


Rutherford County Farmers Market
Lane Agri-Center
6 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Every Tuesday and Friday through October


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  • Kathleen Herzog

    GREAT JOB, Melinda!!!
    Thank-you so much!


  • Chris McLaurin

    I love the market. There is something about taking the family out for breakfast and then heading out to the market with cash in hand to help our economy and to eat well. I find myself looking for new ideas for things to cook just for an excuse to buy greater varieties.

    Fresh ground flour, amazing watermelons, a great selection of greens, more kinds of tomatos than most people know exist, fresh eggs and free range chicken are some of my staples.

    But most of all it is great to see it grow. The number of people there each Saturday seems to be growing and everyone is smiling and carrying a few bags…even in the rain.

    You simply most go to the Saturday Market on the Square at least once. It is not open forever and once you go, you will be hooked.


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