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Steered Straight Thrift

Fun’s the Word, Tour de Fun 2012 Expected to be Biggest Yet

Photos by Ryan Green

Fake Brad at Tour de Fun 2011

Spring has arrived, bringing warmer weather and longer days. It’s time to get out that bicycle, check the brakes, fill the tires and gear up for the annual Tour de Fun on April 14.

Free and open to the public, the event is a festival of a unique nature. More than 40 local bands will be performing at various houses and venues throughout Murfreesboro, also featuring displays by local artists. Following a schedule, participants will travel to each stop on bicycle, beginning at 11 a.m. with a cookout and live music at Murfreesboro Outdoor and Bicycle (MOAB), continuing all day and into the wee hours with a finale at multiple venues around the historic downtown Square.

Organizer Tyler Walker and his team of volunteers are pumped for what will likely be the biggest turnout in its three-year history. According to Walker, the first year saw approximately 400 participants, which increased to around 900 last year. With such an exponential growth, this city could likely witness a traveling brigade of 1,500 to 2,000 cyclists this year. The mission of Tour de Fun is to have fun while helping the community to become more aware of cyclists and cyclist street laws.

“When people see this many cyclists, it’s going to get them a little riled up, I think,” said Walker. “Some people might get angry, but I feel most people, when they see a huge hoard of bikes in springtime, there’s no reason to get mad; you’ve got to smile. Probably some of the people that were angry at us the first year will be at this year’s Tour de Fun riding a bike.”

In addition to cyclist awareness, Walker enjoys helping to build the music and art community with this event.

“I’m trying to get more of the bands around town to know each other. Murfreesboro’s music scene is really good about being friendly. Punk bands can play with a folk band that’s playing with some crazy techno band, and everybody’s cool with it; no one’s going to argue about it.”

On its official website,, available for free download is the Tour de Fun 2012 Mix Tape. The compilation features songs by artists performing at this year’s event, providing a sample of what participants can expect, musically, throughout the day. A full schedule of bands and locations is also on the website, including a map of the tour route.

Food and beverage vendors will be set up along the route, including vegan options provided by Pa Bunk’s Natural Market & Café.

Participants will have the opportunity to enter a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses (last year’s grand prize was a bicycle worth around $400, donated by MOAB). Raffle tickets are $2 each and all proceeds go to Kristen Richardson, who is hospitalized from the recent house fire at Walker’s East Nashville home.

“All I ask from people is to have fun, use common sense, and be respectful,” said Walker. An MTSU graduate, he formulated the idea for Tour de Fun by combining his experience of booking house shows and organizing bicycle events with friends while he was in school. He intends to carry on the event each year and hopes to see it grow in popularity, with support from the city and more businesses getting involved.

Those interested in volunteering may e-mail

11 a.m.–2 p.m. – MOAB – 310 N. Maple St.
Creature Comfort, Spirit and the Spire, TronAteMyBaby, Mantra Mantra Mantra, Yer Heart!

2:30–3 p.m. – The Cubby Hole – 1002 Leaf Ave.
Bad Back, Don Coyote

3:15–3:45 p.m. – Lion’s Den – 2971 Middle Tennessee Blvd.
The Utterly Impossibles, Frojan Horse

4–5:30 p.m. – Tiny House – 809 Ewing Blvd.
Duo, Daykids, Self Help

4–5:30 p.m. – Frankie Avalon – 815 Ewing Blvd.
Tetsuo, Ayatollah Gold, Guide

4–5:30 p.m. – Hausu – 914 Ewing Blvd.
Crayons and Antidotes, Baby Breath, Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt

4–5:30 p.m. – Trap House – 812 Ewing Blvd.
Duperocho, Body of Light, T.Rust

5:45–6:15 p.m. – The Boro – 1211 Greenland Dr.
Langoliers, Waterfight

6:30–7:15 p.m. – Fortress of Solid Dudes – 1109 Old Lascassas Pike
One Big Owl, The Joy of Painting

7:30–8:30 p.m. – Grandma’s House – 2415 Yearwood Ave.
ChristLove, Seth Moore, Kids Are Goats

8:45–9:15 p.m. – The HandleBar – 2601 E. Main St.
Awesome Shirt, Young Wolves

9:45–10:45 p.m. – Neutral Skate – 17 S. Public Sq.
Special Events, Dark Sister, Meth Dad, Fake Brad

11 p.m. – Walnut House – 116 N. Walnut St.
King Arthur, Pujol, Echo Group, Mom & Dad

Midnight – 3 Brothers Deli – 223 W. Main St.
Isles, Netherfriends

Midnight – Wall St. – 121 N. Maple St.
O Youth, Hanzelle, Technikiller


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1 Comment

  • Tyler Walker

    Hey! The Tour De Fun shirts are NOT free! They are $10!

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