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Steered Straight Thrift

Pulse Crew Gets Fun On at Go USA

Recently, The Murfreesboro Pulse crew enjoyed an evening out at Go USA Fun Park (2270 Armory Dr.). It’s not often enough we get out and socialize as a group, so the consensus was that we should document it, hence the spread you see before your eyes.

The fun began with two rounds of Mini Golf. It had been a while since most of us had last played, but the rust flaked off and we were sinking holes-in-one and birdies in no time.

The need for speed kicked in after our time on the links, and we made our way over to the Go Karts. We did our best to follow the rules and not bump into each other, though sometimes competitive nature gets the best of a person. I saw this as the highlight of the evening.

Batting cages were the next activity. A couple of us tried the 60 miles-per-hour pitching speed, and after connecting with an average of 20 percent of the balls, opted for the 40-mph with greater success. You should’ve seen us; we were awesome!

We decided to skip the driving range, though it seemed to be popular among other patrons, and head into the Video/Redemption Game Arcade. I pumped about $10 in tokens into shoot-em-up and racing games.

Most of us hadn’t had a time like this in a good while. It’s a nice option for fun, and you don’t have to be of a certain age range to enjoy it; I’m still smiling from those Go Karts.


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