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Steered Straight Thrift

So Where Exactly Can We Bear Arms?

One of the biggest myths in the United States’ culture is that its citizens have the right to bear arms.

Some fiercely and emphatically say this right must be protected, but the right is long gone, if it ever existed at all. Gun rights advocates laud freedom, say the individual has the right to protect himself, that if guns are outlawed, then the only ones who have guns will be the outlaws.

Yet where is this right?

One doesn’t even have the right to purchase a gun without the appropriate background check and paper trail. Once you obtain the piece, you can’t carry it anywhere without a “permit.” You can’t possess a weapon in a park, can’t possess it if you have a felony in your past, you can’t bring it in a airport, in a federal building, in a school, some cities ban them altogether, permit or not . . . but I thought we have the right to bear arms?

What’s the point of talking about the right to bear arms if you can’t even leave your own property with said arm?
Now, this is not yet taking a position on whether or not this should or shouldn’t be allowed. I’m just pointing out that many laws seem to infringe upon Americans’ supposed right to bear arms. There probably should be a line somewhere between allowing the people to carry a handgun for self defense and not stopping, regulating or tracking any unstable backwoods nut to have dozens of automatic weapons, enriched uranium, surface-to-air missiles, anthrax or whatever. But where is that line drawn and who draws it?

Our local Mosque is still in the news; lots of passionate views out there.

What probably irks me more than anything in the debate is when people cover up their views with some technicality in order to argue to their desired end. If you have something against them building the center, come on out and say it. If you have a real objection, be steadfast and proud of your conviction. Don’t hide behind a bunch of talk about how the property isn’t zoned correctly, the infrastructure isn’t adequate, the roads aren’t wide enough, the right “t” wasn’t crossed on a certain piece of paperwork, etc.

Many who are trying to get the government to trip up the local Islamic Center on technicalities are the same ones who champion limited government, and liberty, as long as it is slightly tilted in favor of their own worldview.
I thought we didn’t want a small body such as a planning commission telling people what they can and can’t do with their property?

Jr. enjoyed the Easter holiday and its treats in the grass, though he made his Mommy pick up the candy for him as he ate it.

As usual, there’s plenty going on in Murfreesboro, if you know where to look (look in the Pulse!) Hear some jazz at JazzFest, support local zombie-loving filmmakers at Culture Cringe’s premiere event, taste some wine at the first ever BoroVino, see a ballet at MTSU, take in an air stunt show, try some Thai food, play a round of mini golf. So get out there; meet your neighbors, make a friend, bring your roommate, bring your kid.


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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