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July Community Events

Independence Day Celebration
On Tuesday, July 3, music, food and fun activities will be at the Lee Victory Recreation Park for the annual Smyrna Independence Day Celebration. Beginning at 5 p.m. at the Rec Park (102 Sam Ridley Pkwy.), kids can play on the inflatable playgrounds and train rides. Bring a picnic lunch or buy from any of the on-site concessions and enjoy live music from Stretta. Then get ready for one of Smyrna’s highlights of the year, the annual Fireworks show. A flyover by a Blackhawk helicopter will take place just before the fireworks show, which is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m.

4th of July Rock the Pool
Meet at the Sports*Com Outdoor Pool July 4, 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m. for fun in the sun including games, contests and more! Adults $4/ Kids and seniors $3. Contact Niki Hensley at (615) 895-5040.

Celebration Under the Stars
Bring your families and friends, your lawn chairs or blankets and join us for this community annual event July 4 beginning at 5 p.m. at McKnight Park. There will be games and activities for the kids, music, fireworks, and refreshments for purchase. Please leave your pets, grills, alcohol and fireworks, including sparklers, at home. The firework display takes off at 9:30 p.m. Contact (615) 890-5333 or Marlane Sewell at (615) 893-2141.

Main Street’s Friday Night Live Concert Series
Friday Night Live Concert Series dances off at the Murfreesboro Public Square, Friday, July 6, from 6:30–9:30 p.m., featuring Stones River Pilots. Bring your own lawn chair and enjoy the show!

Murfreesboro Sweaty Cat
Yes, you will be sweaty. Everyone will be sweaty. Sunday, July 8, meet at Smoopys Viintage Bicycles (2602 E. Main St). Signups are from Noon–2 p.m. and the race starts around 2:30 p.m. Race length is 14 miles. Things to bring: water, backpack, bicycle and friends. There will be prizes, hotdogs, water and maps. Sponsored by Smoopy’s Vintage Bicycles, Clean and Green Couriers and the Beverage Mart, this event is free and open to the public. Find more on Facebook!

The Murfreesboro Art League Children’s Camp
The Murfreesboro Art League will host two art camps: July 9–13 at the Sam Davis Home (Smyrna) and July 16–20 at the Murfreesboro Art League gallery at the back of Cannonsburgh Historic Village. The camp will cater to 3rd–6th graders from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and 7th–9th graders from 1–4 p.m. The fee is $60 for the week and includes a sketchbook and painting materials. For more information, visit or contact Suzanne LeBeau at

Dance Camp
July 9–13, Summer Dance Camp at the Springhouse Worship and Arts Center (14119 Old Nashville Hwy.) takes place. Fee is $150 per student. On-site registration is also available. Contact (615) 852-8499 for more information.

117th Sons of Confederate Veterans National Reunion
The members of Sons of Confederate Veterans Murfreesboro Camp #33 will hosts its 117th SCV National Reunion at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center, July 11–14, 2012. Membership is available to any male descendant of a Confederate soldier that served honorably in the Confederate military. Anyone who is interested in joining the SCV can find more information at There will be many events and business meetings taking place throughout the reunion beginning Wednesday, July 11, with a tour of the Sam Davis Home and Museum in Smyrna and a memorial service at the grave of Confederate hero Sam Davis. Contact James G. Patterson, 2012 SCV Reunion chairman, at (615) 812-0206 or

Blood Drive at Lanes, Trains and Automobiles
Rock and roll up your sleeve! LTA Entertainment Depot (450 Butler Dr.) is hosting a blood drive Friday, July 13, from 2–6 p.m. in Party Rooms 1 & 2. To schedule an appointment, log onto and enter sponsorcode: ltamboro. All donors will receive a Rock-N-Roll T-shirt and enter for the chance to win a Gibson guitar! Contact (615) 890-3999.

Uncle Dave Macon Days Festival
Don’t miss the 35th Annual Uncle Dave Macon Days Festival this year! July 13, 14 and 15, at 312 S. Front St. (just off NW Broad St. near Camino Real restaurant) a restored, historic, Southern pioneer village comes to life. Enjoy bluegrass music, food, and other forms of entertainment such as Sherry Smith, Miller Piano Specialist and Yamaha Artist Development, with educational shows on the evolution of the piano and other musical instruments. Adults $5 per day or $8 for two-day ticket/Children 12 & under are free. Sunday is free for everyone. Contact Gloria Christy at (615) 893-2369.

Art and Music Show at Coach’s Bar and Grill
The Cultural Art League will feature an art show July 14 at Coach’s Bar and Grill from 3–7 p.m. consisting of art, photography, music and design work by 15 or more local artists including Diane Stockard and more. Enjoy music by jazz singer Melanie Winn and possibly a surprise band! There will be door prizes and food to order. For more information contact (615) 594-6647.

Special Kids 13th Annual Friendraiser
The 13th Annual Special Kids Friend Raiser will hold a silent auction July 19, 2012, at 5:30 p.m. in the New Harvest Sanctuary at World Outreach Church (1921 New Salem Road) with special guest speaker Jon Acuff. The silent auction begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner provided by Demos’ Restaurant following. Sponsorships are available. Call Special Kids at (615) 893-4892 for more information.

Rutherford County Democratic Party Hosts Open House
The Rutherford County Democratic Party is hosting an open house Thursday, July 19, from 6:30-8 p.m. at their headquarters, the Belmont Park Office Complex (745 S. Church Street in Suite 303). Local Democratic artists will feature their paintings and will donate 10% of all purchases to the party. The public is invited to participate and can also meet and ask questions of some of the local and state Democratic candidates that will be on hand. Beverages and snacks will be served. Please call RCDP Chair Judy Whitehill at (615) 225-8201 or Corresponding Secretary, Kimberli Rose Jensen at (615)243-5559.

Water Day!
It’s water day! Join the Murfreesboro Fire and Rescue Department July 19 at Old Fort Park, Pavilion No. 1 from 1:30–3 p.m. for fun under the water hose. Wear clothes and shoes to get wet in, and don’t forget your sunscreen and towel. Parents, plan to stay with your children and enjoy the water as well! This event is free and open to the public and for children, birth to 12 years, with a parent/grandparents. Contact Marlane Sewell at (615) 893-2141.

3rd Friday Night Concert Series
Murfreesboro Parks and Recreations presents 3rd Friday Night Concert Series at Cannonsburgh Village July 20, from 7 p.m.–9 p.m., featuring The Hands of Time Band. This event is free and open to the public.

Women of Faith
Women of Faith will meet the fourth Tuesday of every month at Blackman United Methodist Church (4380 Manson Pike). This is an interfaith group intended to foster unity with the goal of getting to know and understand one another while making a positive impact on our community. Women of all faiths are welcome, as well as those who do not practice any religion. For more information email

Own the night!
Linebaugh Library hosts Own the Night for ages 12–18 on May 30–July 20 as part of the Young Adult Summer Reading Program. By filling out a slip for each book read and giving it to the library by 4:30 Friday of every week, you will entered into the weekly drawing! Additional review slips are available in the Youth Services Dept. This is an encouraging reading program supporting the education and literacy of young adults.

Movies Under the Stars
Enjoy Movies Under the Stars this summer beginning June 4 through Saturday, July 28, from 8:30 pm until conclusion of the movie. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs or truck bed. Refreshments are available for purchase. Admission is free, so bring your whole family! Movie lists are available onsite and at all MPRD facilities. Contact MPRD facilities for times and locations at (615) 890-5333 or Marlane Sewell at (615) 893-2141.

True Blue Thursday
True Blue Thursday will feature its own special band, The Eclectics, July 26, 7 p.m., at Fanatics in the DoubleTree Hotel (1850 Old Fort Pkwy.). Hosted by the Rutherford County Democratic Party, all are welcome. The bar will feature happy hour prices and a full menu. Cover charge is $10/students $5. Children under 18 are free. For more information visit

Cool Aid Program
Cool Aid Programs helps get fans and air conditioners to needy individuals. On hot, hot days and nights, this ministry saves lives. If you need a fan or air conditioner, contact Dwight Ogleton at (615) 818-2459 or (615) 895-8555. If you would donate an air conditioner or fan, contact Ogleton. If you wish to make a financial contribution to the Cool Aid Program, go by FirstBank (615 Memorial Blvd.) and tell them you have a gift for Cool Aid.

State Primary/County General Election
Early voting for the State Primary/County General Election done at Election Commission (#1 Murfreesboro Square) July 3–26, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m.; Saturday, July 4, 8 a.m.–Noon; Sunday, July 5, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Locations:
Murfreesboro: Voting Annex @ 426 E. Vine St. (just off Maney Ave.)
Murfreesboro: Blackman Elementary School (586 Fortress Blvd.)
Murfreesboro: Sportscom (2310 Memorial Blvd.)
Smyrna: TN Rehabilitation Center (460 9th Ave.; old Sewart Air Force Base)
La Vergne: Civic Auditorium (283 Old Nashville Highway)

Southern Girls of Rock’n Roll Camp
The 10th Anniversary of YEAH’s Southern Girls of Rock’n Roll Camp kicks into gear July 23–28, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. This is a summer day camp for girls ages 10–17 at MTSU’s Wright Music Building. Camp tuition is $300 (scholarships are available along with monthly payment plans). For information or to register, visit

Moxie’s Summer Art Camp
Before the summer is over, take advantage of Moxie’s second Summer Art Camp (316 N. Maple St.). Students will learn the basics of design, composition, drawing and painting. All supplies are provided, and each camper receives their own sketch pad, pencils, charcoal and eraser to take home. Ages 10 and up are July 23, 24 and 25 from Noon-3 p.m. at $59.99. Ages 7, 8 and 9 are July 30 and 31 from 10 a.m.-Noon at $39.99. Call (615) 849-1131 for more information.

Learning to Grow
Brown Bag Horticultural Class at Lane Agri-Park Auditorium.
Topic will be composting. 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch. Contact 615-898-7710.

Rutherford Writers INK
Rutherford Writers INK meets July 21 from 10 a.m.–Noon in the Linebaugh Public Library Board Room. Rutherford Writers INK is a forum for writers to come together and express themselves, to share ideas and support, as well as to gain constructive feedback on their work. Contact (615) 893-4131.

Faithful Strokes
Faithful Strokes provides a quick and simple way of creating your own treasured work of art in just one class session. An instructor will guide you step by step from a blank canvas to your finished masterpiece. All supplies and and materials are included. All you have to do is come ready to paint and have a great time! Classes are $30. This summer’s theme is “Christmas in July.” July 5, 7 p.m.–10 p.m.; July 19, 7 p.m.–9 p.m.; July 26, 7 p.m.–9 p.m. Visit to register.

S.A.V.E the Night 5K Fun Run
Middle Tennessee Medical Center and Sustaining A Village Everyday Presents S.A.V.E. the Night 5K Fun Run and Costume Contest July 28 at Gateway Island (1614 Wilkerson Pike). This is a teen-led initiative benefiting Boukeron, Haiti. Registration begins at 7 p.m. and the race takes off at 8 pm. The costume contest evaluation will be held during registration from 7:15 p.m.–7:45 p.m. First 350 registrants guaranteed a shirt. To register online, visit


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