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Steered Straight Thrift

Seats Getting Hotter for Both Munchak, Dooley

Alright everyone, the Train Daddy is back and fired up. It’s just hours after the Titans vs. Colts game, and refs suck! It isn’t that I hate refs; I don’t hate anyone, hate is a strong word. But I do dislike things; I dislike refs! Refs have no soul, they have no heart and the fact that these games we fans and players have such a passion to succeed in, it’s tragic these games can end by the bad call of a heartless man.

I like to give the refs the benefit of the doubt, but these guys are cannibals. They would eat their own young before they would admit they made a bad call, and I have seen it; it’s not pretty!

The end of the Titans vs. Colts matchup had me fired up, like I already said, the fact that the ref blew that whistle so quickly and that viewers across America, like myself and the TV announcers, we all agreed, “Hey, it’s a fumble, review it!” Well, the heartless refs and folks up top decided there was a whistle, and there was no need to review the obvious fumble; that would have given possession to the Titans with time expiring in the fourth and given Mr. Bironas a shot to win it all. That is just my personal opinion on the game that could have shifted the Titans’ ways to a .500 record and a 3-game winning streak. Nope, instead the history books will read Mr. Luck came into Nashville as a rookie and won in OT in his first appearance ever at LP Field.

Blue-Blooded Woman
It is what it is, all this ranting and raving is just the light shade of blue blood that courses through my veins. I bleed a light shade of blue and no matter the weather, no matter the storm, you better believe I am a true blue Titans fan and all you bandwagon fans, jump; you don’t deserve to ride. All you loyal fans, stay true. Times will get better.

No matter what team you cheer for, there has to be some passion involved. It is just a game, and some women may never understand. Even though I am a single man, I search for this woman that I have created in my head and I will find her. I am a 27-year-old bachelor and my perfect womenm, well, she has the face of Jennifer Aniston, the bust of Scarlett Johansson, the bootie of Jessica Alba and the sports knowledge of ESPN Sportscaster Rachel Nichols. Man. That is a sexy image. Just take a second and put all those pieces together in your mind like a jigsaw puzzle and I promise you got one sexy broad. Oh yeah, she has to have a good personality also.

C’mon Tennessee Coaches
Back to football now. I have a real problem with two coaches who both sit in a seat that seems to be getting hotter and hotter. I am going to talk about Coach Dooley and Coach Mike Munchak. Both coaches have plenty of critics and both have opposite coaching styles. My problem with Tennessee and Dooley is that it seems they never change their scheme or to put it simply, change what is wrong after halftime. I don’t doubt the fire and passion Dooley has; he runs and screams at refs and even now on crutches hops all around screaming. But it seems ineffective.


Coach Munchak is a total opposite character to me and I don’t know if there is one example of him getting mad at a call or a ref or even a player. He is well spoken, he says things that don’t ruffle feathers. Well Coach, it’s time to get fired up and a ruffle a feather or two. Both of these coaches have a 3-4 record and neither man has won a conference game, and it saddens me because I so badly want to see these programs succeed. People will have their own opinions, and not a one of us understands the ins and outs of coaching, but we do understand when things are going wrong.

Here are some quick Volunteer facts; Dooley has a record of 14-19 overall with a 4-17 conference record. Why should the Rocky Top faithful find this unacceptable? Only four SEC wins in two and a half seasons, no wins against Alabama or Florida and last season’s ugly loss to Kentucky to close out the season. Those examples are not what the 100,000 screaming fans at Neyland Stadium deserve. Granted, Dooley walked into a mess of a program, and I would give him another year no matter the results of this season. One year, that’s it! Coach Dooley gets another year only because he walked into a mess of program. The offense is moving in the right direction, and I believe the players respect him even through all this turmoil. The defense has got to get better if you want to be able to compete with teams in the SEC.

Coach Munchak has an overall record of 12-12 halfway through his second season. He finished second in the AFC South last season with a respectable 9-7 record after taking over a struggling team. All I want to say here is I am disgusted with the Titans defense; it ranks close to last in almost all major categories. The Titans looked good winning against the Steelers and the Bills and what should have been a win against the Colts, but the defense sucks! So I hope Coach Munchak brings hope and passion to a team and city that need a real boost and coach to get mad and get up in the faces of them dirty refs when they screw us over on a call.

Things are not well on Rocky Top; Dooley's Vols are just 4-17 against the SEC.

That’s all I got for this issue. Sorry it was full of negativity and hate except for the description of the Train’s perfect women. Man, she is a sexy thought!

Look, I don’t want either of these coaches to get fired, but when things aren’t running so well, there is a kink in the engine and you got to fix it. I am not a mechanic so I can’t diagnose this problem, but the old ball coach is the commander in chief and it seems Dooley and Munchak aren’t commanding to my standards. If I am comparing the head coach to a commander, well, I reckon the players are the soldiers, and I reckon it’s possible it’s the soldiers not producing. I have watched plenty of Band of Brothers and The Pacific and they beat those boys into shape during basic training. Maybe that’s what the Titans and Vols should do, start with basics!

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween; the holidays are knocking at the door and the cold is on the way. I love it all; I love the fall, I love the winter. I love good cold football tailgaiting. Some super meaty chili, clam chowder, hot burgers and brats and a little sip of gramps’ moonshine to get the soul feeling just right. Everyone remember the 4 F’s: Friends, Family, Faith and Football, that’s the Train’s recipe for success.

I am out the station. Choo, Choo!


About the Author

The Z-Train is a Murfreesboro resident and enjoys all sports, but bleeds code blue for his beloved Titans, who will one sweet day bring home that beautiful Lombardi Trophy to Tennessee. Always remember the Train's big F's: Faith, Family, Friends, Food and FOOTBALL!

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