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Steered Straight Thrift

Cracked Christmas Down on Main Street

The cast of The Eight: (back row, from left) Zach Parker, Ryan Vogel, Arebelle Pollack, Kelly Northcutt, Chris Todd, Scott Neese (front row from left) Irene Sturtevant, Megan Blevins, George W. Manus Jr. and Angela Gimlin

Out Front on Main’s George W. Manus Jr. holds many labels: owner, president, CEO, director and BroadwayWorld Tennessee award winner. I’d like to take a moment and add “twisted” to that list of achievements.

No, I shouldn’t be surprised that when Manus chose to present the once family-friendly subject of Santa Claus and the North Pole, I would be looking at something that would make damn well sure that you will never see Christmas in the same light. The Eight was a warped, hilarious offering that ended the 2012 season of Murfreesboro’s only edgy theater. And it’s at this time that I’d like to give a review that covers the whole cast:

We meet Santa’s top elf, Irene Sturtevant, delivering original parodies of traditional Christmas tunes. Irene is quickly becoming one of the state’s best comedians and an Out Front staple. Scott Neese follows up, offering a skewed and selfish beginning that sets the perfect tone. Next, Ryan Vogel has the audience rolling in the aisles with laughter with his effluent yet bitchy explanation of the North Pole’s warped family. Kelly Northcutt follows with the hilarious statement of how this whole escapade is a threat to her career and plainly stating she will take no part in anything that doesn’t benefit and further her career. Angela Gimlin, in her Out Front debut, proved her acting mettle as one of the region’s finest actors, offering a feminist perspective that drives home the point “No Means No!” Chris Todd offers the only pro-Santa argument: that tradition should never be challenged and the proceedings are a travesty. Todd is making his Out Front debut with tremendous force, challenging the audience to ignore all of these allegations. In yet another debut performance, the talented Arebelle Pollock examines personal perspective with dignity and grace. Out Front veteran Zach Parker, in his best performance to date, takes us to a remorseful place that challenges parents to reflect on the regret for controlling the future of their children. Megan Blevins saves the best for last, leaving the audience in a tailspin long after the final curtain.

Forgive me if I come off sounding sycophantic, but I do feel that I owe a full roll call to Manus and company, as this is one of the best pieces of theater I’ve seen to date.

If you, the reader, feel there are shows or events of any kind that we should be covering, drop me a line at We’d love to hear from you.


About the Author

I'm a contributing writer for the Murfreesboro Pulse. I'm also a filmmaker and a founding member of the MTSU Film Guild. My interests include screenwriting, producing, coffee, beer and philosophy. I'm a huge fan of films, particularly horror, action, science fiction and crime.

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