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Steered Straight Thrift

Trade Your Guns for Kroger Credit

The Murfreesboro Police Department is partnering with the Murfreesboro NAACP and Central Christian Church in an effort to get unsafe, unwanted and unused firearms out of the city’s neighborhoods and away from young hands.

Chief of Police Glenn Chrisman, Murfreesboro NAACP outgoing President Goldy Wade, Murfreesboro NAACP incoming President Kenny Williams and Pastor Steve Odom announced the Gift Cards for Guns initiative will take place on Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013, from 1-5 p.m. in the parking lot of the Central Christian Church at 404 E. Main St. Murfreesboro residents will be able to safely exchange real firearms for Kroger gift cards with no questions asked. BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns and toy guns will be accepted but are not eligible for a gift card exchange.

Chief of Police Glenn Chrisman stated: “All of the partners in this initiative want to make the safety of our community a top priority in 2013. Murfreesboro parents, grandparents, and other citizens who know of firearms in poor working condition or are of significant risk of falling into the wrong hands, are invited to turn them in safely on Jan. 17. We will gladly exchange them for a Kroger gift card which may be used to buy groceries or gasoline.”

Officers certified in firearms and community relations officers will be on hand to receive the guns, ensure that they are unloaded and do not pose any immediate danger. The weapons will then be turned over to an evidence technician from the department’s property room.

Outgoing Murfreesboro NAACP President Goldy Wade stated: “We have worked diligently with MPD to reduce gun violence in our neighborhoods. This program is a great way to reduce the chance of a firearm falling into the hands of a criminal.”

NAACP incoming President Kenny Williams has seen first-hand the heartache caused by gun violence. “Any gun that we stop from falling into the wrong hands will make this program worthwhile,” Kenny stated. “We look forward to making Murfreesboro safer on Jan. 17.”

The Murfreesboro Pulse has also begun a similar initiative. Anyone turning a working gun over to the Murfreesboro Pulse will receive a $50 gift card to 3 Brothers Deli & Brewhouse.

For more information on participating in this program, e-mail your gun specs to


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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