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Vue from the Pew: North Boulevard Church of Christ

I attended North Boulevard Church of Christ on May 25, 2014. As I walked from my car to the sanctuary, I was greeted by two people who were leaving the building. At the entrance to the sanctuary I was greeted again and given a bulletin that was in fact more like a newsletter with upcoming events and prayer requests. Following two songs, the service started with a formal time to meet and greet those who were sitting around me. I felt very welcome.

In the Church of Christ there are no musical instruments to accompany singing. At North Boulevard a leader led the congregation in song. I appreciated that, in addition to the lyrics, the musical score was projected in the front of the sanctuary so I could sing along even if I didn’t know the tune. With the good acoustics and the spirited participation of the congregation, I did not miss the instruments.

David Young gave the message in a continuing series on hope. The scripture reading was from Romans 8:31-39. “The love of God overcomes all enemies,” Rev. Young declared. Even death will be defeated by the love of Christ. Rev. Young told the story of Joseph Scriven, who overcame pain and loss in his life and then wrote the lyrics to What a Friend We Have In Jesus.

Through God’s love we are “more than conquerors.” I appreciated that there was a timer that Rev. Young could watch in order to limit his message to 35 minutes. He only ran over by a couple of minutes.

Communion was passed following the message. Worship was ended with prayer and a final song. I felt well fed and loved following the service.

Friendliness: 4 Pews
Music: 4 Pews
Message: 4 Pews
Overall Score: 4 Pews

North Boulevard Church of Christ
1112 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro
(615) 893-1520


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