Renowned Icon tattoo artist Todd Wilson and his wife, Sarah, opened their gallery doors for independent artists on April 10, 2013. Since then, countless art and music shows have graced Murfreesboro in that space on 113 W. Lytle St. Now there is an IndieGogo fundraising campaign to not only facilitate some much needed renovations at Two-Tone Art Gallery, but to also increase the current offerings for artists and patrons.
Foremost on the list of changes is that Todd’s tattoo business will be relocated to the back of the gallery. This will mean more exposure, and extended gallery hours. The fundraising campaign is for gallery upgrades only, though, and not for the tattoo shop. Possibly most exciting is the plan to purchase projection and screening equipment, which will add fresh and untold possibilities for everyone.
These new plans inspired many local artists to donate their art and talents as perks during the campaign. Even donations as small as $3 are rewarded with art for their contributions. Local artists including Ashley Bayona, Liz Kelly Zook, Mai Hamric, Christy Simmons, Patti Mann, Norbert Thiemann and Wilson have offered their artwork in support of the cause. Further investigation to help Two-Tone can be made at, or find the campaign on