The Murfreesboro Anime and Comic Kon (MACK) will be held Jan. 17 and 18 at the Clarion Inn, 2227 Old Fort Pkwy.
The show, in its fourth year, will include gaming all day (Magic, Pokemon, Apples to Apples, Zathura and more), a Super Freebie table on Sunday (free posters, pins, toys, comic books, buttons and more while they last), a free nylon totebag for all attendees, free passes to the Atlanta Comic Convention, free parking and a raffle for a Win-An-Entire-Booth giveaway ($3,000 in merchandise, including DVDs, CDs, toys, comics, books, posters, prints, statues, cards, gaming, T-shirts . . . bring a truck to get it all home!)
Of course, special guests are a huge part of the weekend as well.
Guests for the show include:
Doug TenNapel: the creator of Earthworm Jim (and voice of Earthworm Jim in the video game) and Nickelodeon’s Catscratch; writer on Adventure Time, Veggie Tales: In the House; animator on SpongeBob SquarePants and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: The Animated Series. TenNapel worked on the video games Jurassic Park, Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy’s Invention and Jungle Book, was the album cover artist for the bands Five Iron Frenzy, Daniel Amos and Amos tribute act When Worlds Collide, and created the graphic novels Tommysaurus Rex, Nnewts and Ghostopolis. TenNapel will be appearing Saturday only.
Santiago Cirillo: Walking Dead’s Julio
Kent Wagner: hospital patient on this season’s Walking Dead
Mike Mundy: Walking Dead walker in several episodes
Josh Turner: Under the Dome and Nashville
Bill Bryge: Ernest Scared Stupid, Ernest Saves Christmas, Ernest Goes to Jail, Ernest Goes to School
Dean Zachary: artist of Star Wars, Batman, Green Lantern, Superboy, Hawk & Dove
Jason Flowers: Upper Deck card artist
Mitch Foust: fantasy artist
Sam Payne: artist on Malibu’s Strangers & pin-up artist
Tattoo Bob: internationally famous tattoo artist
Robert Midgett: Writer of Vagabonds, Drugs & Magic
Dr. Jeff Thompson: expert on Dark Shadows TV series and author
Dr Jonathan Lampley: writer of Women in the Horror Films of Vincent Price
Steve Dillard: writer of Treasured Wars
Wrestlers (Appearing Saturday only):
Arrick Andrews
King Shane Williams
Jeremiah Plunkett
Le Kisha Oliver
Anthony Wayne
Kerry Awful
Nick Iggy
Hammer Jack
Jim Cornette
Mark James
The costume contest will award winners in three categories: movie/TV, anime and manga characters, and comic book characters. Winners of each category will receive $200 in merchandise (DVDs, CDs, comics, posters, T-shirts, manga and more). The overall winner will receive the $200 prize box for their category, plus $100 to spend on anything in the dealers’ room.
Sunday will be kids day, including a costume contest for ages 10 and under. The winner will receive a $100 prize package. All kids who participate in the contest will receive a free gift for entering. All kids 10 and under will get in free with a paid adult on Sunday, and there will also be free pictures with Yo Gabba Gabba’s Brobee and Foofa.
Panel Schedules
Saturday, Jan. 17
11 a.m. Dr. Who panel
12 p.m. Podcasting 101: The What and How of Running a Podcast
1 p.m. Anime Trivia (Hosted by MTAC)
2 p.m. Wrestling Q&A
3 p.m. Cosplay 101 Q&A
4 p.m. Costume Contest
5 p.m. VIP Pizza Party
Sunday, Jan. 18
10:30 a.m. Free photos with Yo Gabba Gabba’s Foofa and Brobee
12 p.m. Writers Workshop: How to get started in the business, how to get published, where to get ideas, etc.
2 p.m. Kids costume contest
After the costume contest—drawing for the winner of the Win-An-Entire-Booth raffle contest
For more information on the 2015 Murfreesboro Anime and Comic Kon, visit comiccitytn.com.