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Steered Straight Thrift

April Community Events

Thursdays – Rutherford Business Builders
Rutherford Business Builders (RBB) meets every Thursday from 11 a.m.–12 p.m. at the Parthenon Grille, located at 1962 S. Church St. Rutherford Business Builders is a professional networking group whose members are dedicated to bettering their careers through the exchange of qualified business referrals. The group gives and gets real business referrals and supports local business owners and professionals. Guests are welcome. For more information, email or call John Manning at (615) 890-4450.

MOC-logo-blackThursdays – Bedside Performance Program
Musicians On-Call Bedside Performance Program is looking for volunteer musicians at the VA (3400 Lebanon Rd.) long-term care facility in Murfreesboro. Programs are every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. All volunteers are asked to commit to volunteering once a month for at least one year. Musicians perform at the bedsides of patients and are always accompanied by a trained MOC Volunteer Guide. For more information, contact or (615) 432-2124.

Mondays through April 27 – Distilled Wisdom Series
Cultivate Coworking (107 W. Lytle St.) hosts the Distilled Wisdom Series on Mondays from 5:30–6:30 p.m. with local life coach Larry Curtis as he packs years of life coaching wisdom into powerful, life-changing sessions.
April 6: The Power to Change
April 13: The Power of the Subconscious
April 20: The Power of Self-Image
April 27: The Power of Resilience
Classes are free and space is limited. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (615) 203-6084 or e-mail, or visit

April 4 – City Wide Easter Egg Hunt
Children of all ages can enjoy this egg hunt and exchange their oblong treasure for prizes at the egg-change booth at Richard Siegel Community Park (515 Cherry Ln.) beginning at 1 p.m., Saturday, April 4. Age-appropriate hunts will be offered throughout the event, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance. In addition, there will be carnival-style games and a visit from the Easter Bunny. Admission is free. For more information, contact or (615) 907-2251.


June Hall McCash

April 7 thread box_webApril 7 – Linebaugh Library Hosts June Hall McCash
April is Poetry Month, and Linebaugh Public Library (105 W. Vine St.) hosts local author and poet June Hall McCash at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 7. for a reading from her newly released The Thread Box, a poetry collection that reflects various aspects of McCash’s life, Jekyll Island, Ga., and what makes us all human. For more information, call (615) 893-4131 or visit

April 7 – Purple Paws
Let’s Make Wine (208 W. Main St.) hosts Purple Paws from 5–7 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, a monthly fundraising event for specific animal projects. Requests for projects are welcome, and the group seeks to help service, domestic and wild animals. These events are for bringing awareness, networking and socializing to those who enjoy good wine, good people, and a love for animals. Admission is $15 at the door, with wine samples and light appetizers provided. April’s event features Meals On Wheels, which also delivers pet food along with their two-legged-people meals (when supplies are available). Pet food donations can be dropped off anytime at Let’s Make Wine during business hours or at the event. For more information, call (615) 530-0551 or visit or

April 11 encausticApril 11 – Intro to Encaustic Demo Class
Moxie Art Supply (302 W. Vine St.) announces its next Demo Class series, an Intro to Encaustic, from 1–2:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 11. Participants can learn easy-to-learn techniques painting with wax and pigments. Instructor Becky Dickovitch covers how the art form originated, studio safety practices, various work techniques, and artists who incorporate encaustic, a wax-based paint. More info and supplies for each technique are available at Moxie. The class is $30 and open to all ages. Register in person, call (615) 849-1131, or visit

April 11, 18, and 25 – Bicycle Tours of the Stones River National Battlefield
Join a ranger for a 90-minute bicycle tour of the battlefield at 9 a.m. at Stones River National Battlefield (1563 N. Thompson Ln.). Admission is free. For more information, please call (615) 893-9501 or visit

April 11 – Candle Wishes Family 5k
Founded in 2002, Candle Wishes is a faith-based nonprofit organization headquartered in Murfreesboro that fulfills birthday wishes and provides essential needs for underprivileged children ages 1–12 in Rutherford County, Memphis and Franklin. Community groups such as churches, businesses, civic clubs and school groups host monthly birthday parties for the Candle Wishes children and their families. Birthday children receive their gift bags at the parties, where everyone enjoys food, cake and games. A fundraiser race kicks off at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 11, at Gateway Island in Murfreesboro. For more information or to register, visit

Dales Fight

April 11 – Dale’s Fight Is Our Fight

April 11 – Dale’s Fight Is Our Fight
This benefit fitness boot camp at Patterson Park Community Center (521 Mercury Blvd.), to be held from 7–9 a.m. on Saturday, April 11, goes to helping fund the Larkins family in their fight with cancer. This disease doesn’t just touch one family, it touches a community. Many people inquire about ways to help. By donating, you can help alleviate some of the cost, provide for travel, and assist with all the other expenses that go along with fighting this disease. For more information, visit or

April 14 – Business After Hours, Rock the Block!
The street will be shut down and the music turned up, creating an exciting opportunity to network and relax with the best in business from 5–7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14. Enjoy delicious food and drinks from The Alley on Main and entertainment from The Stones River Pilots. Wear blue and white for your chance to win awesome giveaways, including tickets to MTSU baseball games. This special presentation of Business After Hours is made possible by First Vision Bank (303 W. Main St.), The Alley on Main, MTSU Baseball and Network Technology Partners. Admission is $5 for members and $15 for future members. No registration required. For more information, call (615) 893-6565.

April 14 – No Girl’s Dream
Victim advocacy agency You Have the Power ( partners with the June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students to bring their eye-opening new documentary on human trafficking, No Girl’s Dream, to MTSU at the Student Union Video Theater for two screenings at 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14. Each screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session with trafficking experts from law enforcement and Tennessee nonprofits. Learn to recognize red flags of human trafficking, understand the prevalence in Tennessee and its effect on victims, and gain knowledge of prevention resources. For more information, contact (615) 292-7027 or

April 14 – Share the Light
Yoga on the Square (423 W. Lytle) presents Share the Light at 7:30 p.m., sponsored by Everest Energetics Wellness & Yoga on the Square, as individuals share their knowledge as consultants, facilitators, teachers, coaches, ministers and therapists. They honor our commitment to expand consciousness and intentional living by aligning with our own divine purpose and helping others to do the same. This month’s featured healer is Wayne Holmes, who will present Religious Recovery: Finding Your Spiritual Path. ( For more information, contact (615) 904-9642 or visit

April 16 Laura_Bush_w

April 16 – MTCS Hosts Former First Lady Laura Bush

April 16 – MTCS Hosts Former First Lady Laura Bush
Former First Lady Laura W. Bush provides the keynote address at Middle Tennessee Christian School’s annual Legacy of Light Gala at MTCS Varsity Gymnasium (100 E. MTCS Rd.) at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16, For corporate sponsorship, contact (615) 893-0601. General admission and reserved tickets can be purchased at Enjoy dinner with Mrs. Bush and a Q&A session. To purchase general admission and reserved seat tickets, visit

April 16 – Murfreesboro Symphony Orchestra
Murfreesboro Symphony Orchestra will perform at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 16, at First United Methodist Church, 265 W. Thompson Ln. The concert will include selections by Edvard Grieg, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Pietro Mascagni. For tickets or more information, visit

April 17 – Coffee With Veterans
Operation: Adopt A Hero invites you and the family to Cultivate Coworking (107 W. Lytle St.) from 7–9 a.m. on Friday, April 17, to grab a cup of coffee and a pastry with the group and veterans. This is an opportunity to have a great conversation and make a new friend. Invite a veteran you know. For more information, call (615) 203-6084 or find Operation: Adopt A Hero on Facebook.

April 17 – Cannonsburgh 3rd Friday Night Concert Series
Come out and bring your lawn chair or a blanket and hear some live music and maybe a little dancing at Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.) at 7 p.m. Friday, April 17. Admission is free. For more information, call (615) 890-0355.

UWS_webApril 18 – United We Style Fashion Show
Tangerine Salon and Spa presents the 2015 United We Style Fashion Show at The Gateway Village (820 N. Thompson Ln.). The VIP Cocktail Party begins at 5:30 p.m., general admission begins at 6 p.m., and the fashion show will begin at 7 p.m. The fashion show features designs from local designers and fashions from Trendy Pieces, Bella’s Boutique, E. Allen and Fleet Feet Sports. For tickets, visit or get them in person at Tangerine Salon and Spa (845 N. Thompson Ln.). VIP tickets are $50 and general admission tickets are $30. One dollar from each ticket sale will benefit Aveda Earth Month. The remainder of the proceeds will benefit the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties. For more information, call United Way (615 Memorial Blvd.) at (615) 893-7303 or visit

April 18 – Bark For Life of Rutherford County
The American Cancer Society Bark For Life is a noncompetitive walk event for dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer at Gregory Mill Park (390 Enon Springs Rd. E., Smyrna). Bring your best canine friend and enjoy a fun-filled day starting with a walk and then continuing with demonstrations, contests and games. For more information, search for Bark For Life of Rutherford County at

April 18 – Celebrating Earth Day
Bring your family to enjoy Earth Day festivities at the Historic Sam Davis Home and Plantation (1399 Sam Davis Rd.). For more information, please call (615) 459-2341 or visit

April 19 – Tennessee Vintage Baseball Double Header
Games that bring the history of baseball to life will be held at Historic Sam Davis Home and Plantation (1399 Sam Davis Rd.) on Sunday, April 19, with the Nashville Maroons vs. Phoenix of East Nashville at noon and Franklin Farriers vs. Stewart’s Creek Scouts at 2:30 p.m. Bring a chair or blanket for your own comfort. Admission is free. For more information, please call (615) 459-2341 or visit

April 24 – 6th Annual SDMA Golf Tournament
The Sam Davis Home hosts its 6th Annual Golf Tournament at Cedar Crest Golf Club (1399 Sam Davis Rd., Smyrna) on Friday, April 24, with registration beginning at 11 a.m. and tee time at 1 p.m. Enjoy a catered lunch, door prizes and hole contests. Registration is $75 per personor $300 per team. All proceeds benefit the educational programs and historic structures at the Sam Davis Home. Contact (615) 459-2341 or, or visit

April 25 – Troupe: Survivor Announces BBQ Fundraiser
Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.) hosts Troupe: Survivor’s annual BBQ benefit from 1–8 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, to benefit their continued efforts to empower victims of domestic violence through theatrical art techniques, peer support and community outreach. BBQ plates are $10 for adults and $5 for children, and include a BBQ sandwich, two sides and a non-alcoholic beverage. One-hundred percent of the proceeds benefit the survivors of domestic violence and their families. For more information, please contact or (423) 620-7177, or or (615) 474-2399.

April 25 2014 Dixie Line Days train show

April 25 – Dixie Line Days

April 25 – Dixie Line Days
The worst railroad accident in U.S. history occured on July 9, 1918, in the Nashville suburb of Belle Meade, with 121 lives lost, according to a contemporary report in the Tennessean newspaper. Learn about the story and its aftermath in downtown Wartrace at Dixie Line Days, a celebration of the railroad with operating model layouts, dealer swap tables, modeling how-to clinics, model and switching contests, hourly door prizes, and full-size prototype mainline trains roaring through downtown Wartrace courtesy of the CSX railroad. Meet Betsy Thorpe, author of The Day the Whistles Cried, and enjoy free presentations from historian Terry Coats and curator Tom Knowles at the Smith House Theater. Food will be available. Train show hours are from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturday, April 25. Admission to displays and swap tables is $5 for adults and $3 for children under 12. For more information call, (800) 465-0448 or visit


April 25 – Earth Day Celebration
Enjoy refreshments, children’s activities and live entertainment at the Murfreesboro Public Square from 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Saturday, April 25. Environmental and educational booths on site. Free to the public. For more information, call (615) 494-0407.

April 25 – 39th Annual Pioneer Days
Enjoy cloggers, old-time music and demonstrators, over 40 crafters, hayrides, Harriett Tubman played by June La Green, blacksmith demonstration, Art League demonstration, antique auto car show and live music at Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.) from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Saturday, April 25. Admission is free. For more information, call (615) 890-0355.

April 28- Breakfast With Champions
Cultivate Coworking (107 W. Lytle St.) hosts Breakfast with Champions from 8–9 a.m., an event designed to enhance your business knowledge while enjoying coffee and breakfast. Marketing 101, led by Jennifer Woodfin of Crigital Media, is free and open to the community. Seats are limited; for more information, contact (615) 203-6084 or, or visit

boilApril 30 – Boil in the Boro
The Stones River Chapter of Ducks Unlimited hosts its 4th annual Boil in the Boro at The Grove at Williamson Place (Batey’s strawberry fields, across from The Avenue) at 5 p.m. Tickets are $35 for individuals, $55 for couples and $15 for children. All tickets include a one-year membership to Ducks Unlimited, all-you-can-eat Low Country Boil, live and silent auctions and more. For more information, contact (615) 691-2238 or visit

April 30 – Paws and Pearls
Paws and Pearls is an annual fundraiser and celebration for the Jesse C. Beesley Animal Humane Foundation to be held Thursday, April 30, at the Corners on the River, the home of Karen and Bob Ford (1990 Readyville St.) from 6–9 p.m. For more information, call (615) 217-1030 or visit

ShakesbeerMay 1 – To Brew or not to Brew
The Discovery Center will host a night of beer tastings and Shakespearean revelry to raise funds for the organization on Friday, May 1. The evening will include lots of beers from area brewers, performances by Murfreesboro Little Theatre and food. This is a 21-and-up event; for tickets, visit

May 3 – Oaklands Spring Fiesta
Enjoy a delicious meal from Chef Jeff, delightful beverages and festive Latin music at Oaklands Spring Fiesta at the home of Ronnie and Donna Barrett (2225 S.E. Broad St.). For more information, contact or (615) 893-0022.

May 5 – Purple Paws
Let’s Make Wine (208 W. Main St.) hosts Purple Paws from 5–7 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, a monthly fundraising event for specific animal projects. Requests for projects are welcome, and the group seeks to help service, domestic and wild animals. These events are for bringing awareness, networking and socializing to those who enjoy good wine, good people, and a love for animals. Admission is $15 at the door, with wine samples and light appetizers provided. May’s event will benefit ARC (Animal Rescue Corps). ARC rescues animals who fall victim to abuse and natural disaster and create public awareness of animal suffering. For more information about the event or sponsorship opportunities, call (615) 530-0551 or visit or



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