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Steered Straight Thrift



3 pulses

To better understand the musical style of this Murfreesboro-based trio, one much first absorb the meaning of “Flummox,” which, previously unbeknownst to me, means to “perplex greatly,” “confuse” or “bewilder.” And, quite frankly, that’s Phlummoxygen, the band’s avant-garde/experimental metal effort, in a nutshell. Flummox’s debut full-length album stays true to its name, which is certainly something to keep in mind while on the weird, twisted and diversified ride that alternates between off-the-wall madness and borderline seriousness.

The unconventional journey begins with “Flummoxing Act 1/Garbonzo’s Leap,” a twangy, bass-focused track with exaggerated off-key singing. This fades into the outlandish track “Didja Know?” which features groans, moans and choking sounds, among other questionable noises. Later in the album you’ll hear a similar track, “¿Didja Espanol?,” though it’s a tad less awkward than its foregoing counterpart. While these two tracks may appeal to some listeners, the eccentric noises will undoubtedly leave most questioning the band’s motives.

To get a slight taste of the band’s unorthodox lyrics, here’s an except from “Custodian Ralph,” a bizarre jingle about a campus custodian on crack:

Ralph didn’t like the dust bunnies
Ralph thought his puns were all funny
Inspect the room with scepter broom, never forgets a second glance
Sani-bags and trailer swag, watch him do the Elmo dance

Phlummoxygen is the type of album that’s difficult to digest without an open mind, which is why their style won’t sit well with traditional metal fans. As soon as the antics begin to settle down, like on “Planet Cancer,” Flummox shakes things up once again, leaving you wondering, “What did I just listen to?” However, a large part of the album’s charm is its absurdity, and that’s an aspect most will appreciate.

To listen to Phlummoxygen, visit


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