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Steered Straight Thrift

Highly Unlikely that Climate Change is Causing More Asthma, Poverty and Terrorism

The White House is at it again on this climate change hysteria. You see, the data aren’t cooperating so they have to amp up the scare tactics. “White House doom: Climate change causes allergies, asthma, downpours, poverty, terrorism.” That was a recent headline from the Washington Examiner. “Climate change is contributing to extreme weather, wildfires, and drought, and the rising temperatures can lead to more smog and more allergens in the air we breathe, meaning more kids are exposed to the triggers that can cause asthma attacks,” the White House said.

Ah, there we go. Trot out the children and tug at the heartstrings. Tell me this. How on earth can climate change cause a wildfire? Did you know that 90 percent of wildfires are started by humans? Yeah, we’re talking campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, cigarettes thrown out the window and intentional acts of arson. The other 10 percent are caused by lightning or lava. That’s from the National Park Service. Nowhere do they mention climate change. Common sense would tell you that a changing climate–even if we had something to do with it–would not cause forests to spontaneously combust.

The trouble is, the mainstream media lap this stuff up without even the hint of a challenge. All I had to do was one Google search to find the stats I just shared with you, and they’re from the federal government. The same government that uses the EPA like a blunt instrument to beat people over the head until they’re senseless.

So, if the wildfires aren’t being caused by climate change, you can bet climate change isn’t responsible for any of the other maladies listed by the White House. Asthma? President Obama said one of his daughters developed asthma and he blamed man-made climate change. I’m sure it could have nothing to do with the fact that her daddy was a smoker.

The contradiction I love is that the climate change crowd will claim that manmade climate change is causing droughts, then in the next breath they say it causes downpours. Which is it?

And poverty? Climate change causes poverty? Let’s explore that notion for a second. Let’s just assume that man-made global warming is real. That would mean longer growing seasons. Wouldn’t that mean that those who make their living working the soil would be better off? In other words, if global warming were real it would mean prosperity, not poverty.

Obama told the graduates of the Coast Guard Academy that climate change was a national security issue. He said it may exacerbate existing stress factors, which would enable terrorist activity abroad. Yeah, I know when I’m stressed I’m much more susceptible to a terrorist attack. What kind of bovine scatology is that? Obama’s trying to convince you that ISIS is rising because of climate change when it’s because of his own ineptness.

There is, indeed, a crisis. It’s a crisis of the inconvenient truth. Temperature data just aren’t cooperating with these people, so they have to try and distract citizens from the fact that nothing they said is coming true. Al Gore said after Hurricane Katrina that hurricanes would be more severe and more frequent. He whiffed that one. We’re in the quietest hurricane period since the Civil War.

They said the polar bears were dying off. Heard anything about our furry friends lately? That’s because they’re thriving. They said the sea levels were rising at alarming rates. How come Florida is still above sea level? They said there’d be widespread droughts and famines and death and destruction.
At what point does the mainstream media start calling them on all of this?


About the Author

Phil Valentine is heard each weekday afternoon on SuperTalk 99.7FM in Nashville and online at For more of his commentary and articles, visit

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