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Steered Straight Thrift


Is there another plane of existence where spirits might live, yet still reside in our realm of perception? The season of fall is set aside to reflect on these matters.

Enter the Void (2009) is directed by Gaspar Noé. Noé, the noted auteur of difficult material, offers a reflection into The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Oscar enters a club in Tokyo, and his spirit finds its way out to observe his sister and friends. It’s a stylized psychedelic journey worthy of your time.

Spirited Away (2001)

Spirited Away (2001)

Spirited Away
(2001) is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Possibly the most accessible anime movie for the masses, Spirited Away is thoroughly engaging. On a family outing, a young girl unwittingly enters the spirit world through a deserted amusement park. She is tutored on life in the strange land, while needing to maintain the knowledge of her past life in order to ever return.

Juliet of the Spirits (1965)

Juliet of the Spirits (1965)

Juliet of the Spirits
(1965) is directed by Federico Fellini. Fellini’s wife, Giulietta Masina, stars in his first color feature film. A wife’s suspicion is fostered during a forgotten anniversary and is intensified thereafter. Mystics and the spirit world are consulted in desperation to reveal answers toward the idealistic life that she desires.

The Innocents (1961)

The Innocents (1961)

The Innocents
(1961) is directed by Jack Clayton. In a tale adapted from The Turn of the Screw, a new governess must look after two unwanted children in their haunted estate. The ghastly ghost story is traditionally paced, and provides a rewarding ending.


About the Author

Norbert made Murfreesboro, Tenn., his home in 1997. He conceived the Living Room Cinema column in 2006, and submits them regularly to the Murfreesboro Pulse. Aside from his love of films, Norbert is also an avid photographer. He is the very proud father of two, he beats on an old guitar, and plays a dicey game of Chess at best. Like Living Room Cinema at

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