Stonekeepers, originally named Ramona’s Rockroom and located for years on Lytle Street two blocks from Murfreesboro’s Square, is a small spiritual hamlet that has recently moved to 215 Robert Rose Dr.
The store has expanded its merchandise selection from its original tumbled stone and wire-wrapped jewelry collection.
The shop’s inventory now includes books on various religions and spiritualities, a massive collection of herbs, incense of varying kinds, and tools used in various spiritual rituals.
This is no surprise, as acting manager Carrie Adams, has always made it her goal to act as a positive spiritual catalyst for all of the people who walk into the shop.
The Crystal Grid Project is an idea that blossomed out of this goal at a time when the shop itself was in a precarious position financially.
Adams said, “We started the Crystal Grid Project during a time when we weren’t doing really well, during the government shutdown in 2013. . . . My friend Heather, who worked here at the time, and I started thinking about what really can anybody change? They can change their perspective, they can change how they react to things, and they can change how they interact with people that come around them.”
The aim of the Crystal Grid Project, according to Adams, is to spread a wave of peace, protection and prosperity, and uplift the emotional and spiritual environment across Murfreesboro and surrounding areas.
This is accomplished by giving each willing participant a free piece of clear crystal quartz—purportedly an energy-amplifying stone—with the promise that they are to bury the stone in place special to them charged with this intention.
As Adams said, “The spiritual things that we do and use our physical body to enact [create] a very powerful kind of action, so working in a spiritual store, we were like, ‘Let’s get people thinking about how are they are feeling and reacting to life.’”
The anticipated outcome is that the combined stones will create a large grid spreading and amplifying the intention each individual stone was charged with, much like its smaller counterpart might do on a smaller level.
Little did Adams know at the beginning of the Crystal Grid Project, some of these quartz crystals would reach locales as far-reaching as Lake Tahoe in California and even Australia.
The Crystal Grid Project is still ongoing, and Adams encourages people who wish to participate in the project to do so and to stop into the shop on Robert Rose Drive.
For more information about Crystal Grids, check out, or visit