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Hillary Has the Experience and Care to Be our Next President

I first backed Bernie Sanders and endorsed him. I am an elected delegate that was pledged to Bernie Sanders. After Bernie Sanders put his delegates behind Hillary Clinton, I wholeheartedly supported her as well as endorsed her as the Democratic nominee. Hillary Clinton has proved herself the most qualified candidate for president. She has her long legacy of service to this nation. As former First Lady, U.S. senator and Secretary of State she has shown that she cares about policy. She has witnessed the U.S. government from multiple perspectives and branches of government, from the White House to the Senate and the Cabinet. Most importantly, as Secretary of State she represented the United States throughout the world.

She has shown her personal concern for policies that help people, focusing on healthcare and children’s well-being. She has shown she cares about families in our nation.

Her plans, including affordable college and better quality childcare, are all listed on her website along with how she plans to propose and pay for them. Her plans also include better economic policy and a fairer tax system, getting closer to living wage for all, reforming the criminal justice system, and helping people so they may lift themselves up.

Our country is so divided and endangered at this time. Rapid changes in our economy and the world are upon us. Technology is creating disruptive change. Social divisions and wealth inequality are tearing at the fabric of our nation. Yet America is still great and we are a people that endure. Hillary Clinton will be the president who will ensure the United States stays great. She will provide the steady, knowledgeable leadership we desperately need as a nation at this time.

darrell bouldin

Darrell Bouldin

Trump has no real experience in government and no policy experience. He has been shown to be a con artist who has stiffed contractors and set up a fake university. He has made fun of the disabled and regularly bullies those who don’t agree with him. He resembles Mussolini in his demeanor and in the way he is stoking the fires of hatred. He is divisive and does not care who he hurts to get to where he wants to go. At a time when the country is already enduring many ongoing problems, he is someone who only adds fuel to the fire.

The choice in this election is clear: choosing stability for our nation and policies for the people, or choosing division for our nation and uninformed policies that will hurt the people of our nation.

We cannot afford four years of Trump as a nation dealing with the issues we are facing. It will only do further damage to our citizens.

America needs love and stability. We need the leadership of Hillary Clinton.


About the Author

Darrell Bouldin is the President of the Rutherford County Young Democrats, and the Executive Vice President of the Tennessee Young Democrats. He can be reached at

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