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Steered Straight Thrift

Into 2017: Get Fit and Make America Great

A sincere thanks to all for your continued support of the Pulse.

Since we launched our first issue in January of 2006, many, many members of the Murfreesboro community have voiced their support for the little Middle Tennessee entertainment and culture publication in the digital age, reading each issue, providing feedback on our coverage, sharing the publication with friends and family, visiting our sponsors.

And today, from the halls of Forrest York Guitars to the enthusiastic crowds in Sam’s Sports Grill, from the tranquil sanctuary of the Nurture Nook to the rocking sounds emanating from The Boro late at night, from the buffets of Chef Wang’s to the climbing walls of the Ascent, the calls are clear: we want the Pulse! (I have seen the mountaintop!)

Oh yeah, happy MLK Day this month. Try and judge all of those you encounter based on the content of their character, and not on the surface differences that may first appear to divide.

It always means a lot when someone says that because of the Pulse they discovered Uncle Dave Macon Days, MexiVen, a 5K, an art exhibit, a play, a band, a waterfall, a ministry, an ice cream parlor, a gardening workshop, a business or person or anything at all that adds enjoyment to their lives or brightens their family’s day.

Here, in this edition, the Pulse lists some of the area’s fitness-oriented establishments for your use in achieving your fitness goals in 2017.

Surely, one of these organizations in town fits your unique personality and lifestyle and can help you make yourself the best you can be. Also, do take advantage of all of the parks in the area. They are there for your health and enjoyment.

You may often feel like you do not have the time to exercise, but I can almost guarantee that if you take some time to walk, stretch, climb, bike, lift, pull-up, play tennis or disc golf or just get some sunshine and fresh air for a moment, you will be glad you decided to do so.

Let’s see, 2016 recap in brief: the bustling town of Murfreesboro continues to grow; Prince, Bowie and Leonard Cohen are gone; Pokemon Go came and went; and somehow the American people elected Donald Trump as the new fearless leader.

There are plenty of ways that we can all work together to make the USA a better place, but after my limited research–not that I’ve been to many other countries in person—it very well may be the best country in the world. I’d say it’s certainly in the running for the top spot, in the top 10 percent for sure. Yes, there is a risk of mass violence in the U.S.; yes, there is plenty of political and social disagreement; yes, the gap is widening between the 1 percenters and the middle class and the impoverished; yes, there are many people who are locked up or in the criminal justice system that probably do not deserve to be; yes, addiction and mental illness are wrecking many lives and families. But many countries must deal with far worse versions of these challenges than the U.S.

Keep your head on a swivel. There’s not as much protection for the “defenseless” in real life as there now is on the football field.

May your 2017 be filled with music, good health, family and laughter.

And in case your actual reality isn’t all that great, virtual reality is right around the corner.


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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