I enter a new year very grateful.
My family is awesome and fun, I have no serious diseases or disabilities that I am aware of, my house provides adequate shelter, the HVAC unit is functioning, pumping in that sweet, sweet heat during the cold times, and I eat good!
I can certainly improve my business, my home, my relationships, my retirement planning, my diet, my mind, body and spirit, but the blessings that surround me, the experiences I have encountered and the people I have met continue to fill me with gratitude. Rejoice and be glad.
I remain grateful for everyone who has supported our independent community publication.
Seriously, from the advertisers who have supported the Pulse financially (some for years and years), to the contributing writers, to the person who just recently encountered a copy of the Pulse for the first time and picked it up and read a couple of pieces, to the good folks at Google, Bluehost, Intuit, Apple, Franklin Web Printing, Constant Contact, Adobe, Metro PCS, Comcast and other useful service providers who help make the entrepreneurial life possible, your support is recognized!
Businesses continue to open in Murfreesboro, growing the economy and giving the Pulse plenty to include in each month’s Business Buzz section.
The Murfreesboro Pulse has officially completed 12 full years of business.
Oh, boy!
One of the few constants in that 12-year journey has been the support, love and designs from our trusty Pulse co-founder Sarah—now Mrs. Mayo!
Let’s make 2018 killer. Figure out what you want to do, and go do it! You know you can’t make it all happen at once, so just take one step at a time.
Whether you are digging a hole, building automobiles or spaceships, making a casserole, playing an instrument, running a race, enforcing the law, hanging drywall, teaching school, starting a militia, selling insurance or whatever it is you determine to do, be excellent!
The Titans are in the playoffs! It has been a while.
I was in the stadium with the Z-Train in early 2009 for the last Titans postseason contest (a tough loss to the Ravens), way back before my son was even born.
Many people have strong opinions on this new 400-page-plus federal tax plan, as if they have read it or something. I think I can confidently say that, yes, the richest should pay a bit more in taxes. But I’m not sure I am comfortable with anything, ever, taxed at more than 15 percent . . . 20 percent at most. Could we live within those means?
Defend freedom, and resist those who aim to curb liberty and manipulate others.
Take time to rest, to reflect, to meditate, to pray, to unwind.
Congratulations! Love the article and you!❤️
Blessings for the. New Year and years ahead.
Comment January 7, 2018 @ 1:28 pm