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Steered Straight Thrift

Get Some Sun, Take Up Gardening, Make a Smoothie, Do a Cleanse This Spring

Spring is just around the corner here in Tennessee, and for me personally, spring usually comes and goes so quickly it leaves me wanting more. Let’s pack away our sweaters, coats and winter boots and jump into shorts, dresses and flip-flops, and say goodbye to winter.

The change of season couldn’t come fast enough for many MTSU students who celebrate spring break as well as for others who have planned vacations to beaches, cabins or weekend getaways to enjoy the outside weather. During all of this fun, we want to stay hydrated and be able to maintain constant energy as well.

Therefore, I have provided a few health tips and recommendations to make your spring more delightful! Most everyone has already heard about and knows the importance of water and exercising. Drinking plenty of water, at least 8 ounces every hour or two, will help control blood levels and curb your appetite.

If you haven’t switched up your workout routine in a while, now is a great time to start a new exercise program to keep your momentum up and to trick your muscle memory so your body can continually get the best results.

Of course, spending time outside these days is inevitable because it feels so good.

So, when jogging outside or doing high-intensity cardio workouts, occasionally drink Gatorade or Powerade rather than just water to replenish your electrolytes.

Also, to get more energy, take a walk in the sun or sit outside with no shoes so the sunlight will absorb into the bottom of your feet, the largest pore on your body.

Better yet, try to pick up a new outdoor hobby such as gardening. You will burn calories as well as learn how to plant and grow vegetables that could turn into some mouthwatering smoothies.

Smoothies are a hit in the spring because vegetables and fruit start to bloom, which makes for creative, fruity drinks. I have a favorite one I call Green Machine and it includes: slices of green peppers, cucumbers, avocado, green apple, spinach, an orange, green tea, green vegan protein and a splash of green lime juice. It gives me an energy boost without the fatigue and jittery feelings afterwards.

Lastly, spring is a great time to do a detox or cleanse. Numerous plans are available that last anywhere from 3 to 21 days. Choose one that works best for your lifestyle and start anywhere, from a parasite cleanse to a kidney, liver, gallbladder, colon, lung or heart cleanse. These major organs in your body help keep you healthy. Take care of them!

Be a Better You Every Day!
Semaj Thomas


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