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Steered Straight Thrift

Focus and Conquer Excuses: Zyla and Rondel Want to Help Murfreesboro Youth and Adults Improve

When you first learn the fundamentals of a sport or exercise, the ups and downs involved can seem like a roller coaster ride.

Being criticized too harshly, handling the pressure to perform your best and keeping up as the years pass can bring a mixture of motivation and discouragement. Overcoming obstacles, feeling defeated at times, or having an activity become stale are all predictable phases that athletes, or anyone training regularly, can experience at some point.

However, eliminating excuses and dealing with some of those feelings and situations in both kids and adults is what owners Rondel and Zyla Clark do at Murfreesboro’s FACE It Fitness, with FACE standing for Focus and Conquer Excuses.

“Everyone has an excuse to give,” says Zyla.

But the trainers want their clients to face whatever it is holding them back to begin taking control of their lives and getting in healthy shape.

Both Rondel and Zyla were in athletics in high school, and both graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with exercise science degrees. Much of their inspiration comes from helping area youth with speed, agility and strength training.

Cayden King trains at FACE It

The Clarks emphasize and understand the importance that sports play in development, and teach techniques for increasing physical performance as well as teamsmanship, self-esteem and accountability.

They have four beautiful kids together and still manage to teach six days a week, more than 10 hours a day. Their excuse could be that they “need more hours in the day” to maintain kids, family and adult life, but they, according to their motto, Focus and Conquer Excuses. The kids are becoming comfortable hanging out at the FACE It facility, located at 810 NW Broad St. Suite 222, and getting to know those coming in to work out.

One aspect of FACE It that sets them apart from many of the local gyms and trainers is that they do accept youth clients as well as adults.

Most of their clients have been with them for years, and there is no contract to sign up or to continue to train at FACE It. That says a lot. Zyla said she would not want to be contractually obligated to only shop at one grocery store, and looks at their business in a similar way. Clients are not locked into a long-term contract, and can choose to leave at any time. Obviously, results are high priority.

Classes include women’s group, men’s group, one-on-one, corporation training and couples training. Sessions are available in 30-minute, 45-minute and one hour increments. Everyone has different goals, and catering to those unique needs is primary for FACE It. So, the gym offers a variety of training: functional and circuit training, weight loss/gain, youth speed and agility training, figure and physique competition. They even have a youth fitness area and offer child care at certain hours for parents.

It has “everything that a big gym has in a more intimate setting,” Zyla says. And it really does. Upon walking into the facility, on the right, clients will notice that supplements are displayed and promoted. The Clarks partnered with Nutrishop to sell products right in the gym. At the beginning of a fitness journey, clients often don’t know what supplements to buy and, once again, FACE It helps eliminate some of those excuses. Customer care is big at Face It Fitness.

For more information on the gym, visit

Or, join them one Saturday at 9 a.m. at FACE It, 810 NW Broad St., for a free community boot camp!

What excuses do you have? I am just saying this: eliminate them!

Be a better you every day!


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