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Higher Thoughts for Everyday Living: Vol. VI

Middle Tennessee hypnotist, philosopher and motivator M.C. Radford encourages everyone to think positively and live life with a healthy, optimistic attitude. Here, he shares more points from his book Higher Thoughts for Everyday Living, suggesting that readers meditate on one each day—and be amazed at the positive changes that may transpire in their lives.


1 All disease, suffering, and evil are created by man, not God.

2 God only creates into your life what you tell Him to create. He gives us the law of attraction. He says we should keep thinking about it and He will create it. When you are thinking about good, you are thinking about God. Isn’t that simple?

3 The only personal responsibility you have is what you think. You are praying all day long every day because your prayer is what you think. So doesn’t it make sense to keep your mind stayed on good, because what you keep thinking about, you are praying about? All continued prayer is answered.

4 Many fools believe in the devil. If you want to know who the devil is, his name is self. There is only one power, one spirit and one intellect. Use this power in a negative way and you will have evil or the devil. Use it in a positive way and you have good or God. I say that this all-powerful mind is neither good nor bad, it is neutral. It is how you use it that puts the label on it.

5 Only man has the power to create evil. If God is perfect, as people say He is, then how could He even know anything about evil? Man was given complete freedom to create his world. He went right to work in creating an ego which is nothing more or less than the opinions of other people. With all these opinions, he sets out to manufacture his life in the likeness or the combination of all the earthly opinions he accepts as reality.

6 Many people believe that God is the creator of disease. The word disease was originally dis-ease. In other words dis (not) at ease in the mind eventually becomes dis-ease in the body which leads to ill health. So again we, not God, are the creators of disease.

7 Accidents on the highway occur when two fools meet. Explanation: it is a matter of time and space. If the victims were in tune with the universal mind, then they would not have been taking up that space at that particular time.

8 A Japanese philosopher once stated, “When disaster strikes, the truth student is never there.” When a person is being robbed, his thoughts have brought him to that very spot. In short, his thoughts caused him to be in the same time and space of the energy field as the robber was in—thus the saying: There is an accident waiting to happen.

9 Some in the fields of psychology and psychiatry have come to the point of admitting that 80 percent of all disease is of mental origin. A truth cannot be partially right, so one of these days they will come to the conclusion that the correct percentage is 100.

10 All sickness is caused by the way a person is coping with some situation in his or her life. This is why a doctor named Quimby (the father of metaphysics) made the statement that the explanation of why you have the disease is the cure.

11 There is a doctor in Texas who has treated many terminal cancer patients and cured them. The first question he asks them when they come to see him is: “Why do you want to die?” When they figure that out, they are on their way to being healed.

12 Jesus was a great healer because He realized that the mind and body were one. He knew that to heal the body, He had to treat the mind. He did this by asking, “Do you believe?” When they said yes, He said “Your belief has made you whole.”

13 You don’t have pain and suffering because you have an illness. You have an illness because you think of pain, suffering and sickness.

14 Many people will tell me they have a cold or the flu. I say, “What disappointment or aggravating circumstance has happened to you in the last week?” They will respond, “How do you know that?” My answer is always the same, “Because there has to be a cause for every effect.”

15 The reason so many people have sickness is they set out to beat the world instead of cooperating with it.

16 There is in us a mind that never sleeps; it is always active with untold power that has never been utilized. This is a mind so powerful that it could not possibly belong to one person; it belongs to all of us. It is the subconscious mind. And everyone has access to it to create whatever we want in this life.

17 The subconscious mind is the most powerful mechanism in the universe, and we can use it as we see fit. We need to use our minds to create our world as we want it to be.

18 The conscious mind is insignificant and can barely cope with everyday life. Believe it or not, it is the boss over the all-powerful subconscious mind. The Creator gave you dominion over all things—that means dominion over the subconscious mind which is the creative intelligence of the universe.

19 The Bible says: “Ask, believe and receive.” The subconscious mind is telling you to ask for anything, believe in it, and it will create it for you.

20 When you are thinking intensely on anything, you are asking the subconscious to deliver it, whether it is good or bad.

21 I had a 35-year-old man come to me who had a fear of dying in his sleep when he reached 35. I helped him to regress back to when he was 4 years old; he had heard his mother and father talking about a man who lived down the street who died in his sleep at 35 years of age. This incident stuck in his mind and caused him to develop the fear of dying in his sleep at age 35. I removed the prompter, and that removed the fear.

22 Many people live a miserable life because of some negativism stuck or pushed into their mind when they were young. Any good hypnotist can remove the garbage from your past and let you live a more fulfilling life.

23 Every time you are able to remove negative experiences from your subconscious mind, you become more normal or perfect. As Jesus mentioned, we all must become perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.

24 There was a man who struggled with poverty. No matter what he did, there was never enough money to meet his financial needs. It was discovered that the prompter that caused this was planted when he was a small child. He had overheard his mother saying that there was never enough money to go around. It stuck in his mind until it was removed through hypnosis.

25 Here are a few prompters that have ruined people’s life: “There’s just so much sickness in the world.” “Nobody ever did anything for me.” “People are just going take what they can get from me.” “I am not good enough.” “I won’t ever amount to anything.” “Nobody loves me.” A trained hypnotist can help you remove all these prompters.

26 Every condition and circumstance in your life can be changed to conform to your conscious desires.

27 No matter where you were born, who your parents were, or what the circumstance were in your life when you were growing up, you can build a success pattern in your mind and nervous system that will take you to success, good health and a harmonious life.

28 There is only one mind, and we are all a part of it. When a person writes a hit song, the writer is only the instrument through which the song came. The writer prepared his mind to receive it from the universal mind.

29 The universal mind that is in each one of us knows no lack or limitation. It only knows to create, and it creates exactly what you think.

30 You only need to know two things: Fear is your enemy, and love is your friend. The one you think about the most will be your partner in life.


About the Author

M.C. Radford will answer any questions on the mind, brain, body, spirit, hypnosis, cybernetics, parapsychology or metaphysics. He can help eliminate smoking, excess weight, fears and phobias, sexual problems, insomnia, anxiety, stage fright and other issues from your life. For improved confidence, motivation and concentration, and to take control over your life, body and mind, contact Radford today at (615) 351-2939. “Poverty is a mental illness.”

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