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Steered Straight Thrift


Here are three important movies about modern martyrs who face injustice, and their plights against the English status quo.

Gandhi (1982) is directed by Richard Attenborough. Ben Kingsley plays Gandhi with great dedication. Mahatma Gandhi inspired the people of India to free themselves of English imperial rule in the 1940s. It is perhaps the greatest display of aggressive non-violent civil disobedience documented in a narrative film. Gandhi should be required viewing in schools everywhere.

Hunger (2008) is directed by Steve McQueen. IRA member Bobby Sands led a prison hunger strike in response to the English revoking their status of being considered prisoners of war. The film is uncompromising in its depictions of protests and the sad wasting away of Bobby Sands.

Hunger (2008)

Vera Drake
(2004) is directed by Mike Leigh. Vera is a loving wife and mother who tries to help anyone she can. In particular, she offers aid to local young women who are in need of her care. It is a work of fiction, but the scenario is recognizably plausible. Mike Leigh’s films often shine a light on social injustices waged against the poor.

Vera Drake (2004)


About the Author

Norbert made Murfreesboro, Tenn., his home in 1997. He conceived the Living Room Cinema column in 2006, and submits them regularly to the Murfreesboro Pulse. Aside from his love of films, Norbert is also an avid photographer. He is the very proud father of two, he beats on an old guitar, and plays a dicey game of Chess at best. Like Living Room Cinema at

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