Middle Tennessee hypnotist, philosopher and motivator M.C. Radford encourages everyone to think positively and live life with a healthy, optimistic attitude. Here, he shares more points from his book Higher Thoughts for Everyday Living, suggesting that readers meditate on one each day—and be amazed at the positive changes that may transpire in their lives.
1 You feed your body every day. How much and what do you feed your mind?
2 You alone are responsible for your thoughts. If you think hate, it will show up in your speech, in your actions and in all phases of your life. If you think failure, it will show up in every business deal you have and with everyone with whom you have contact.
3 Remember this: The successful person is always creating, and the failure is always competing.
4 The successful person is always thinking of what he or she wants, and the person who is a failure is always thinking of what he or she doesn’t want. And what he thinks about, he has in abundance.
5 It has been found through research that if you put students in a class of low achievers, their IQ will go down. Put those same students in a class of high achievers and their IQ will go up.
6 One of the greatest benefits of college is that you are associating with people who want to be better in life.
7 Some people will say, “If I only had another chance.” My answer is, “You get another chance every morning when you wake up.”
8 The Bible says to choose this day whom you will serve. Choose the thoughts that stream through your mind. You will have positive and negative thoughts about the object of your attention. If you choose positive thoughts, you win. If you choose negative thoughts, you fail.
9 Do you believe you can think? If you do, then I want you to stop thinking. Try to stop thinking. You can’t do it. So if you can’t stop thinking, then just maybe you are not doing the thinking. You do have the option of choosing the thoughts of the things you want in your life. Choosing is giving your attention to the things you want in your life. And what has your attention is thereby created.
10 Let’s say you have a bad movie on your television. Your television is only the instrument through which the movie is coming to you. You cannot stop the movie from coming through, but you can choose another channel with a good movie. Your mind is the instrument through which thoughts flow, so you must choose the channel or movie to correspond with your desires.
11 Have you ever noticed that the really old people almost always have a relaxed appearance? That is why they live so long. When you learn to totally relax, you cannot have pain, you cannot hate, and you cannot be depressed. You can only feel peace, harmony and tranquility.
12 Researchers have found that every thought you have of hate, resentment, fear or worry—in fact all negative thoughts—cause the brain to manufacture and release a chemical into your body to tear it down. And each positive, happy, enthusiastic or love thought causes your brain to manufacture and release a chemical into your body to give you better health.
13 Hate, resentment and envy have disfigured more people than all the wars and accidents combined.
14 The first step to solving any problem is to become relaxed and release all tension from your mind and body. Then hold a picture in your mind of the end results that you want and the answer will come.
15 There is no such thing as a problem without a solution. The problem and the solution are the same stick; the problem is on one end and the solution is on the other. If we keep our attention on the problem, we won’t be able to see the solution on the other end.
16 If you were to ask me what you should study, I would say, “Yourself.” When you had well studied yourself and again asked me what to study I would reply, “Yourself.”
17 A young man was hit by a bus and lost both of his legs. His family was horrified, certain he would become a ward of the state. But only a short time later they were surprised to find him operating a thriving advertising agency. “However did you manage?” they asked him. “You can’t even get out of bed.” “My mind can,” he replied. That is all that is necessary.
18 Man, not God, has created evil, disease, poverty, hell and the devil in his earthly life. God has nothing to do with any of these things. When I have any pain in my life, mental or physical, I realize I have not been using the law of attraction in the right way.
19 Your subconscious mind, if properly directed, can heal your mind and body of all disease. No doctor, psychologist, minister or psychiatrist heals anyone. There is only one healing power. That healing presence in within you. Call it God, life principle, subconscious mind, universal mind, or any name you choose.
20 Your desire is the mind of the Creator seeking expression through you.
21 Your inner mind holds the answer to your every problem. It is the source of all inspiration and all creative energy.
22 You don’t have to think cancer to get cancer. You can think cancerous thoughts such as worry, resentment, envy, hate and hostility.
23 Your worst enemy is fear. Fear is sin. S-I-N is Seeing In Negative.
24 Whatever you feel or think is your prayer. Fear and worry is prayer backwards.
25 The world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not enough for even a single person’s greed.
26 When Jesus told us to love our enemies, He was telling us how to improve our looks, our health and our entire life.
27 Physical vigor is the result of vigorous thoughts, and physical weakness is the result of confusion.
28 A procrastinator is a person who steals time from eternity.
29 The word “Pharisees” in the Bible represents organized religion or people who would keep you in the dark.
30 Nothing is impossible to the mind of man, for the conscious mind controls the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is all-powerful.
31 Most people will refuse to believe what they don’t understand.