The Center for the Arts will present Heathers through Sept. 16.
The musical, based on a 1988 film, features Heather, Heather and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. Misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D., who plans to put the Heathers in their place—six feet under.
Heathers, set in Westerberg High School, features the song “Teenage Suicide (Don’t Do It),” and the September run in Murfreesboro coincides with suicide prevention month.
Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays through Sept. 16; the show is rated R.
The Center for the Arts is located at 110 W. College St.
For tickets or more information, visit boroarts.org or call 615-904-ARTS.
Photos by Ashleigh Newnes