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Steered Straight Thrift

Boro Art Crawl Set for Aug. 9

The Boro Art Crawl returns to downtown Murfeesboro on Friday, Aug. 9. The event, held one Friday evening from 6–9 p.m. every other month, features local and regional artists displaying and selling their artwork.

Artwork will be hosted by local merchants Boro Town Cakes, American Shaman CBD, Cultivate Coworking, Faithful Strokes Art Studio, Funtiques, Hernandez Mexican Deli, L&L Contractors, Liquid Smoke, Mayday Brewery, Next Home Realty, ReVintaged Lemon, Shacklett’s Photography, Spinelli’s Pizza, Sugaree’s, Terri Leigh’s Boutique, The Social Exchange and Veda’s.

View the Boro Art Crawl Map here.

At the always-dog-friendly Mayday Brewery on Aug. 9 Purple Paws will present “when bark meets art.” Participants and their “puppy picassos” will paint and take home an 11-by-14-inch canvas suitable for hanging. All supplies including non-toxic paint, and washing stations will be provided. All proceeds will benefit Middle Tennessee rescues and spay and neuter programs.

For more information on that event, email

Additionally on Aug. 9, Murfresboro arts laureates will collaborate on a featured exhibit at Murfreesboro City Hall rotunda. Poet Laureate Kory Wells, Photographer Laureate Gale Stoner and Painter Laureate Ashley Buchanan serve as local arts laureates in the program’s second year.

A reception at city hall will be held on Aug. 9 and that display remains up through Aug. 15.

“FedEx” by Celeste Akari at L&L Contractors

Artists participating in the August 2019 Boro Art Crawl include Sarah Rodriguez, Mike McDougal, Susan Waldrop, Brandon DaVila, Phil Wagner, Chara Brown, Gregory Lannom, Melissa Jackson-Phothirah, Ginger Pippin, Lisa Marie Ray, Claudia Lopes, Erin McClelland, Royce Vaughn, Jonathan Garner, Sharon Trevathan, Amberly Clemons, Tabitha Smitty, Justin Stefanski, Rhonda Christofferson, Celeste Davis, Pam Pinkerton Mack, Becky Dickovitch, Noelle Lewis, Lori Brayan, Selina Hyzer, T.J. Hyzer, Daniel Nunnellee, Art by Onny, Jennifer McGuire, Becky Buller, Ned Luberecki, Rebecca Goddard, Dmarcus Franklin, Rebecca Phelps, Stephanie Campbell, Shannon Fenton, Sydney Ray, Lauren Hitchcock, Althea Dickson, Kristin Birckholtz, Samantha Collier, Diane Marsella, Linda Watson and Daniel Canary.

Artwork by participating artists:


For more information, visit


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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