If you are in business, you are already aware of the power, and necessity, of an online presence. But the need to create one can be met with a lot of frustration. The fact that Google and other search engines keep changing the way in which people find you is a continual challenge. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a tricky thing to figure out, leading to a negative experience. Same goes with social media such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Rachel Albertson, an advertising and social media marketer here in Murfreesboro, has created positive experiences for a decade now. She has been assisting experts and entrepreneurs with online media by designing websites and making sure social media accounts are up to date. Through her company, Inforule Social Media, she helps local businesses with everything from setting up a social media account to promoting a VIP launch party.
Albertson was an early adapter when eBay first took off several years ago. She did pretty well too, selling items online—mostly, books she found at other people’s yard sales. This was back when e-commerce was just emerging. Rachel realized she had a knack for marketing items, especially online. She also noticed others were having issues with creating an online presence to market their own items or services.
Sensing this was her calling, she learned coding and website design, and eventually earned an information technology degree. As technology is ever-changing, she quickly realized the need to remain fluid to keep up with a constantly shifting marketplace—causing businesses to change what they may be doing on the fly, as the market demands. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of businesses falter. Remaining cutting-edge is not only a time-consuming task, but it will take business experts away from what they do best.
Albertson takes pride in what she does.
“I like to think of my client’s success as my own success,” she says. She helps with developing a good marketing plan, though she says a more general business plan needs to be in place first. “A business plan is really crucial for any business to be successful. You may stumble across a certain amount of success, but if you really want to make it past that first year, you need to have a business plan.”
Though an internet presence is important, Rachel will quickly tell you of the importance of circulating within the community. She hosts a couple of opportunities for others to do just that. Every Wednesday morning, she hosts Networking for Awesome People. It’s a free event for local businesspeople to meet at 9 a.m. held at Inforule, 120 E. Main St., Suite 260, Murfreesboro. Each week has a different theme, from uncovering the strengths and weaknesses of personal branding to developing your “elevator pitch.” Whether you are new in town, or want to network with new business owners in town, check it out one Wednesday this month.
Albertson also maintains another free networking event, “Let’s Whine About It,” a woman’s business group that meets from 5–7 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month. The group meets at The Goat near Medical Center Parkway during happy hour. Like the morning meeting, each get-together has a theme, so there is an opportunity for business growth as well as networking. Sorry guys, this one is aimed towards women 35 and up.
Also on her radar will be the second Middle Tennessee Women’s Conference, where Albertson hosts workshops that would be of interest to women in business. This is put on with partners Takisha Bromell and Blaine Little. Watch for more details on this over the coming months.
Because one of Albertson’s children is a cancer survivor, those types of charities are a labor of love for her.
“One of the events that is near and dear to my heart is Camp Horizon, which is a camp just outside of Nashville for kids and siblings who have had childhood cancer affect them,” Albertson says. From women’s car care clinics to airsoft competitions to benefit worthy causes, she takes pride in being involved in the community.
She is developing a strategic plan with other area professionals that will launch later this year. Albertson is tight-lipped as to exactly what that means, but says she sees “more opportunities to help our clients market their business more efficiently, and cost-effectively.” Until then, we will have to wait and watch to see what additional services she and Inforule Social Media will bring us.
Find out more about Rachel and how she can make online marketing a positive experience at inforulesm.com. She can also be reached the old-fashioned way, at 615-663-4620.
5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Local Business’s Online Presence
Courtesy Rachel Albertson, Inforule Social Media
1 – Strategize
Create a clear strategy of which platforms are best for your business. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Have your friends or family do a review of what you currently have to see if they can identify your correct brand message. Have a brand book that has color codes, fonts and messages.
2 – Provide Consistent Content
One mistake I often see with small businesses is they quit too soon. You need to provide consistent content, whatever that might be. Don’t give up after two months. Get a coach or accountability partner if you need help staying consistent.
3 – Be Social and Engaging
Social is not posting constant posts about how people can buy from you. Engage with people who like and comment on your blog articles, videos, posts, etc. Create a value that keeps giving. Provide value with your posts.
4 – Build Relationships
Building relationships, both online and in person, will help your business’s presence grow. When you are networking in person, people will look you up online. If they like what they see, it can be the beginning of a beautiful working relationship. Join groups that assist businesses similar to yours or provide local marketing options.
5 – Have Patience
Rome wasn’t built in a day, as the saying goes. If you follow the above tips and you aren’t getting traction, consult with a coach. Perhaps you need to try another path or product. If you are passionate about your business and follow sound business steps, you can succeed!