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Steered Straight Thrift

Still Very Little Science Pointing to Everyone Wearing Masks

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe anything that comes from our health experts these days. The CDC released a study on Sept. 11 that sought to discourage people from dining out. However, when you actually dig into the numbers of the study you find that fewer than half of the infected group they studied had actually done so. The control group, a similarly sized group who had visited a healthcare facility but who did not test positive for COVID, had a little less interaction with a restaurant. Therefore the study concluded that restaurants posed a higher risk. That may actually be true. It’s difficult to determine from this study.

The glaring omission from the study had to do with face masks. The vast majority of both groups (85 percent of the infected group and 89 percent of the control group) wore masks either often or always. Only about 3 percent from each group never wore a mask. Yet in one group you had infections and in the other you had none. That tells me much more about masks than it does about restaurants. The common denominator in both groups was a mask, which appeared to make absolutely no difference. About the same percentage of people in each group wore masks. One group had zero infections, the other had 100 percent infections.

It took a month for someone to actually notice this data inside the study. Who really reads the full study, anyway? We rely on our news media to sift through these studies and tell us what’s in them. They failed us for a full month. Thank God some others actually bothered to read the study, or we might never have known.

People ask me why I’m so against masks. I’m not. I’m against bovine scatology. When there’s good science to back something up, I’m all in. I wear my seat belt religiously because the stats show that I’m safer wearing one than not. We have no such stats for masks. And it’s not because the Coronavirus is so new. There have been mask studies for years, and they all show pretty much the same results. Face masks are virtually ineffective in stopping any kind of virus. Even the CDC and our so-called health experts like Drs. Fauci and Birx were telling us early on not to wear face masks, to save them for the health professionals. They told us then that masks were ineffective in stopping the spread of COVID, which led me to wonder why we were saving them for the health professionals.

Then they did a 180, and suddenly the mask Nazis who were screaming at you at the grocery store for wearing a mask and putting healthcare workers at risk were screaming at you for not wearing a mask.

One of my sons asked me why it was that conservatives were less likely to wear a mask. There are a couple of reasons. Conservatives tend to not like being told what to do. The other reason is conservatives tend to be independent thinkers. If you’re going to require them to do something, you damn well better have a good reason. There just isn’t any scientific evidence to suggest wearing a mask stops the spread of COVID. In fact, there are dozens of graphs out there showing the COVID curve in various cities and countries. No matter at what stage the mask mandate came in, the curve spiked then ramped down the other side. There’s not an instance I’ve seen where masks made any difference.

I’m more than willing to follow the science. There just isn’t any on masks.


About the Author

Phil Valentine is heard each weekday afternoon on SuperTalk 99.7FM in Nashville and online at For more of his commentary and articles, visit

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