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Steered Straight Thrift

Ice Has Melted, Scoop, There It Is!

Mr. Tom “The GOAT” Brady has done it.

He became the first NFL quarterback to win a Super Bowl representing both conferences, another impressive accomplishment to add to his list. He brought his buddy Gronk with him to the big game and threw him a few touchdowns. Love it. Then the GOAT tossed the trophy boat to boat.

How was the great 7-day Middle Tennessee ice event of 2021 for you and yours?

I hope everyone had fun and didn’t run out of food and stayed safe and warm and didn’t smash their car or slip and fall.

I have seen some nice pictures and videos of snowmen, sledding and snowball fights. Bracken Jr. ran the remote controlled car on some ice.

Little 5-month-old Beckett is getting healthy and putting on some meat and making all sorts of baby sounds. That mother’s milk helps to turn his puny little newborn legs into powerful jumping baby hams.

Jr. and I have been catching up on some Jeopardy! reruns, getting that knowledge.

Scoop, there it is! goes one of the most popular TV commercials lately.

Sarah says it’s an extremely effective commercial—it makes her want ice cream every time!

The ice cream industry can thank whatever company purchased the commercial . . . we forget.

In the local business community, networking events, ribbon cuttings and more in-person activities are picking up.

Many are beginning to feel a little spring fever. Get out and move around and get some sun when you can.

Whatever your political affiliation and desires, I tend to believe that most Americans want to be sure of election accuracy, fair ballot casting and counting processes as absent of fraud as possible.

The people don’t always have a great deal of control over the actions of the government—the disconnect between average Americans and their representatives in Washington can seem significant—but the majority of voters should be able to select the elected officials without concern of the accuracy of the results. Be suspicious of anyone who resists efforts of election transparency and integrity.

Some large companies—particularly a few well-known social media, home delivery and search engine operations—have really grabbed a great deal of power, control and profit over the past year. I can’t blame them for wanting to grow their businesses and promote their political agendas, but it is not exactly always a positive thing for the independent businesses and media outlets and consumers, and may encroach into potential monopoly territory.

Please keep on picking up the Pulse and supporting local.

Consider promoting your small business with the Pulse. We have a wonderful roster of supporting sponsors—and our thanks go out to them all—but there is always room for more.

[Photo, top: Bracken Jr. snow dancing, by Bracken Mayo Sr.]


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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