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Steered Straight Thrift

No Artist Can Top Prince’s Super Bowl Show; Biden Ordering Girls’ Teams to Include Transgender Athletes

The Train Daddy is back with sports news, life lessons and politically incorrect talk. All aboard! I am done with winter and ready for this beautiful spring bloom, and I know many of you feel the same. So, what shall we discuss for this March issue? I took 10 pieces of paper containing 10 topics, put them in a hat and drew out two—transgender athletes and Super Bowl halftime shows. Wow, what a combination!

Let me say this to you, the reader, before I get into that strange combination: spring is on the way, beautiful spring—Life! I implore all of you to live life to the fullest every day. Time is not slowing down. Do not be so afraid of dying you stop living! Get out, get some air, punch your state’s restrictions in the balls. I am concerned about America’s mental health, the ramifications of lockdowns and destruction of small business. We will pay a price in the decades to come for the overreach of many of American politicians. So, I implore you all to go do whatever you want to do. Many of these politicians would have all this go on for another year and I say F them and their restrictions!

If you read my articles on the regular you know it’s normal for me to open up with a paragraph-long rant. It gets all the angry blah out of my system. Now we can talk about halftime shows and transgender athletes. Oh goodness gracious!

Alright, let us rank all the Super Bowl halftime shows from 2000 to now. I recently re-watched every one, about 3–4 hours of TV viewing. What an achievement! I easily concluded that this year’s show, performed by The Weeknd, was the worst show since the year 2000. I even read he added $7 million of his own money to the many millions the NFL already gives artists to put on the greatest halftime show in sports. Being honest, unless those awful masks worn by his backup dancers went for $500k a piece, what in the hell did he spend that money on? The Weeknd does not play an instrument, he has little dancing skill and he had no guest appearance. Auto-Tune nonsense, and while I honestly do like a few of his songs, I hated the show.

Let me go ahead and say the 2007 show with Prince was, is and will always be the greatest halftime show the Super Bowl has ever seen. “Purple Rain” in the rain, enough said! But I will say more. Prince was a legend, and he made it appear as if Mother Nature was purposely bringing down rain as a special effect. Prince cycled through guitars and had the audience hitting high notes. If this article gives you one thing, let it be this: go to YouTube right now and watch Prince’s Super Bowl Halftime Show. Rest in peace, Prince!

Shania Twain

Alright, so here is my list, ranked worst to best:

2021 The Weekend

2011 Black Eyed Peas

2012 Madonna

2013 Beyoncé

2019 Maroon 5

2010 The Who

2000 Phil Collins

2018 Justin Timberlake

2016 Coldplay

2015 Katy Perry

2017 Lady Gaga

2006 The Rolling Stones

2003 Shania Twain, No Doubt and Sting

2020 Shakira and J.Lo

2005 Paul McCartney

2004 Justin and Janet

2009 Bruce Springsteen

2008 Tom Petty

2002 U2

2014 Bruno Mars

2001 Aerosmith

2007 Prince

Those are my rankings. I could talk about why, but that would be boring. The fact is, most of these shows were filled with guest appearances, special effects, marching bands and Shakira’s amazing booty. I just hope next year we have a rock band, country artist or more Shakira, but we’ll probably end up with another one-hit-wonder, Auto-Tune artist singing their sole well-known hit with some weird visuals.

Bruno Mars

Let us get into the second topic of this article, transgender athletes! Why is this even a topic? Because it’s more relevant now than ever. If you want to go through the last decade of my articles on you can see that I was talking about this nearly 10 years ago, warning everyone, and here we are today ready to be inclusive and allow the integrity of female athletics to be destroyed.

In general, men are stronger than women. Men are faster than women and an influx of hormones does not undo these realities. I have the feeling that advocates of trans rights in sports know this to be true even if they are unwilling to admit it publicly. These advocates should just admit they are putting feelings over fair play!

If you mention biology to these advocates, they shout at you strange words you never even knew existed. It is unfair, and no biological male with natural advantages should be allowed to take opportunities away from biological females regardless of how they self-identify.

The Biden administration signed a stupid executive order that proclaims that transgender athletes in high schools and college may compete with the sex they identify as. To show the seriousness of this order, it threatens to pull federal funding from schools unless they allow trans women to compete on girls’ sports teams.

No one gives two craps about transgender males competing with the boys equating to unfair play. Why? Because anyone with sense knows that would make no difference regarding fair play. Biological men have greater muscle mass, bigger bones and larger hearts and lungs than women. As I said,  feelings over fair play, and many have no problem ignoring this, even if it is dangerous.

Guess which athlete is the transgender woman

How is it dangerous? Athletes get hurt all the time in physical sports, so imagine boxing, for example. Biological males start making their way up the female leaderboard, breaking jaws along the way.

It’s time now for concerned parents and fans of sports in general to stand up and fight back. Push back against the Biden administration and this nonsense. This agenda must be rejected if anyone really cares about protecting female athletics. Thankfully, we have governors and legislatures from numerous states already overwhelmingly passing bills to ban trans females from competing with biological women, with Tennessee thankfully being one of the lead states.

I guarantee you this fight is far from over, but it is a worthy fight. And recent polls show overwhelming support from American citizens against this lunacy. Polls I have seen show 50–60% opposition with 15–25% support depending on the poll with around 20% unsure. I have yet to find a single favorable poll showing Americans support transgender women being allowed to compete with biological women. And if such a thing existed, the media would surely be slapping us in the face with it.

I have said this numerous times and I will say it again to end this topic. If we as Americans want so-called true equality in the world of sports, let us just end gender separation entirely. I mean, these transgender advocates have already proven with their actions that they do not believe biology makes any difference. So, if we want equal play for all, let us end gender separation. Boys and girls together, let the best athletes make the team! I’ll bet then all the cowards too scared to speak out now would get loud and have a real problem with that. Why? Because there would be a real lack of female representation in sports, and you all know it.

This is sad, because I enjoy numerous female athletics, honestly. And I do not want to sound like I am degrading women. Women should have the right to play sports, compete against other women and have an even playing field. My message here is simple: allowing biological men to compete with these women is ridiculous and unfair.

Alright, that’s it! The Train is rolling into the station. I have no doubt I ruffled a few feathers with this one. Oh well! All I can do is stand up for what I believe in, as we all should without fear of being attacked or canceled for having an opinion. Choo-choo!


About the Author

The Z-Train is a Murfreesboro resident and enjoys all sports, but bleeds code blue for his beloved Titans, who will one sweet day bring home that beautiful Lombardi Trophy to Tennessee. Always remember the Train's big F's: Faith, Family, Friends, Food and FOOTBALL!

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