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Reduce the Stress and Physical Pain Specific to You for Better Overall Well-Being

Did you know that your stress could be killing you? Often we say “stress is killing me,” without knowing how true that statement can be. In today’s fast-paced world, many people experience repetitive stress that can cause multiple health issues—neck pain, back pain, weight gain or for some unhealthy weight loss, migraines, headaches, and the list goes on. So how can chiropractic care help?

The repetitive movements that we do every day can start a spiraling effect. The constant sitting for the office worker, the getting in and out of a car for a real estate agent, the line job of the factory worker—all of these repetitive motions cause stress and breakdown in our bodies. When our bodies physically break down, often so does our emotional well-being. When this happens, we can no longer do the things that we love. We no longer feel good or satisfied with life. When our bodies are broken, we cannot play with our kids the way that we would like to. We cannot work out or pursue the hobbies that make us happy.

Or on the other end of that, we do not have the time to invest into our bodies because our job consumes us. Many parents find themselves working extremely long hours at their salaried job or working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

Unfortunately, the events of 2020 brought about an entirely new layer of stress, with many workers forced to draw unemployment. Some who were fortunate to keep their jobs are now laboring in “makeshift” home work stations that may be uncomfortable or cramped. Essential workers were forced into high gear, working harder and longer than before.

In our office we see patients that fall into all of these categories. They come to us with the aches and pains that have led to a loss of hope in life. What sets Dr. Josh Morter apart from others in our area is how he approaches his patients’ concerns. He does not just take X-rays, offer a recommendation and then ask for your money. Dr. Josh takes the time with each patient to listen to their concerns and help them get down to the cause of their issues. Dr. Josh and the patient will set some health goals and together, as a team, we help our patients reach those goals. We offer specific treatment plans and do not take the cookie-cutter approach that many people find when they go to a chiropractor. Our patients can attest that their care has helped with their stress levels and their attitudes. They have increased energy, better attitudes, and reduced stress.

How do we accomplish this? Not only do we treat each patient’s specific concerns with chiropractic care, but we also teach our patients ways to manage their stress at home and at work. We teach our patients about deep breathing exercises and offer different apps that we as a staff use to help us relax. Throughout their care we offer at-home exercises and simple workouts to help them stay out of pain. When we are not in pain, we feel better and can do more. By relieving the pain and teaching our patients how to manage their day-to-day stress, we can get our patients back to doing what they love. Our mission statement is “Restoring Health to Experience Life.” Everything that we do at Morter Family Chiropractic revolves around that statement.

Not only do we care about the health of our patients, but we also care about our whole community. Through our community outreach program, we pick a local business each week to pamper. A couple of staff members will go to the business and do chair massages along with some of the therapies we offer here in the office. Businesses love it when we do this! Everyone loves a little stress relief in the middle of the day. While we are there, we talk to the staff about who we are and what we do. Of course, this is completely free for the businesses we visit. If you are interested in scheduling something for your staff or business, please contact Ashley, our practice manager, at


About the Author

Morter Family Chiropractic is located at 221C Castlewood Dr., Murfreesboro. For more information about how Dr. Josh Morter can help restore your health so that you can better experience life, call 615-900-3770 or visit

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