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Steered Straight Thrift

Extreme Weather Coming!

Weather reporting has become a little extreme.

On what seemed like a slightly overcast but fairly peaceful and typical spring afternoon not long ago, Bracken Jr. and I delivered copies of the Pulse where they need to go. Driving around town, completing our newspaper delivery stops, a man on the radio says “extreme weather . . . heavy storms . . . Rutherford County . . . take shelter.”

Oh my goodness gracious! I thought. Should we be out in this? Am I making safe choices? I don’t see any rain. Wind doesn’t appear to be too strong.

But he was about ready to write our obituary.

“For anyone who has to be out in this, we are prayin’ for y’all and may God have mercy on your souls!”

“Ahh!!!!” We should take shelter. We will be washed away . . . 

We pressed on, though. I could say that over the next couple of hours we were like two old sailors, hunkering over the wheel of a ship as towering waves beat down upon us, soaking us to the bone, unable to see but only a few feet ahead, desperately trying to get back to land as our vessel was being torn asunder by the cruel, powerful hand of the sea.

But other than just a couple of minutes of a nice, refreshing spring downpour, I observed nothing more than what this reporter might call a drizzle.

But that report on the radio sure was exciting for a moment!

Yes, weather can definitely be dangerous. It has caused serious harm and damage and death, and I do advise being aware and fully respectful of the power of nature.

My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones suddenly due to violent weather.

But I am starting to believe that some media outlets may play off of this sense of danger and slightly overstate their estimations of doom in order to keep the viewers and listeners engaged, by loosely using such terms as “extreme” and “strong” and “possible” and giving every storm and weather “event” its own name and logo.

Be aware of the skies, but let’s not disrupt lives and commerce too drastically over speculation and fear.

On June 12, Bracken Jr.’s birthday, I was thankful that our hiking party completed our Upper Piney Falls walk before a little wind and rain descended upon that part of Tennessee.

Concerts, concerts everywhere. Everclear is coming out to Hop Springs. Bert Driver has some very cool things going on at his Burlap Room and Nursery, just a short drive from Murfreesboro.

The free community Friday Night Live shows continue on the Square, and The Cleverlys (in Murfreesboro) and Mixtape (in La Vergne) both perform free concerts on July 4.

It will be interesting to see what sort of merriment will take place at the all-new Hellraiser’s Amphitheater at Van’s.

Have a wonderful Independence Day and weekend.

Enjoy the sun and water and cook some meat and blow something up.

Happy birthday to Sarah this month, my dear girl, wife, business partner, friend and mama to my children.

Thanks for getting this thing done, reliably and professionally, issue after issue, and holding me to a high standard all while having two wonderful boys and spending your life with me.

Enjoy July, everyone.


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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