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Hummingbirds Prepare for Their Long Journey South, Set Up Feeding Stations to Observe the Beautiful Birds

September is prime time for hummingbird spotting in Tennessee. The only species that nests here, the ruby-throated hummingbird, can be seen searching for and sipping on nectar to pile on the weight for their annual long journey south in the fall. Keep your eyes peeled though, as their incredible speed makes them easy to miss.

Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world, with some weighing less than a dime! Their gorgeous, iridescent feathers and tiny statures but mighty personalities are just some of the things that make the hummingbird one of the most loved birds in the world. Bird watchers are kept on their toes trying to follow their high-speed chases as they compete with each other for their favorite flower or preferred feeder. In direct flight, their wings beat 70 times per second and 200 times per second while diving (which is as fast as a honeybee)!

Beginning in September, the hummingbirds are starting to prepare for their migration south and, if adequately fueled, they have no problem with flying 18–20 hours straight to cross the Gulf of Mexico. However, due to habitat loss and over-industrialization, hummingbirds are having to compete more and more for the nectar they need to make their trip. That’s where the humans come in. We can help these tiny creatures store enough fat to power their long journey.

First, planting native nectar flowers in your yard is highly recommended. Hummingbirds are attracted to orange, red and sometimes purple flowers and they prefer a tubular and downward-facing blossom which makes nectar extraction easier. Some examples of great native hummingbird flowers include bee balm, cardinal flower, orange jewelweed, coral honeysuckle and columbine.

The most rewarding and easiest way to help the hummingbirds is to hang feeders in your yard or on your porch. The sugar water solution acts as a substitute for the nectar in plants. Having feeders is so much fun! Not only are you taking part in the conservation of these tiny creatures, but the feeders also allow you to be just feet away from the hummingbirds and marvel at their beauty. Their high-energy lifestyle compels them to locate a reliable food source. If they know they can rely on your porch as the best spot in town for abundant sugar water flow, they will return.

Making the solution is very easy—dissolve one cup of white cane sugar in four cups of water, served at room temperature. (Don’t buy the red hummingbird food; the red dye is harmful to them.) As you enjoy watching your new friends fill up on the sweet stuff, keep an eye on your feeder and make sure it’s full and cleaned regularly.

Photos by Ashleigh Newnes

Many believe that if they do not take down their hummingbird feeders soon enough, the hummingbirds will not leave for their migration. This is a myth. The birds absolutely will leave and the goal is to keep the feeders up long enough to provide adequate fuel for their journey. Aim for the first frost to take feeders down and put them back up for the hummingbirds’ return the following March.


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