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Steered Straight Thrift

Free YOUR Children Presents Weekly Radio Broadcast Encouraging Parents to Take Control of Children’s Education

After a year of contributing content to the Murfreesboro Pulse, I was recently offered the unique opportunity to start my own radio show covering similar subjects on a Middle Tennessee radio station. The focus of the show—titled Free YOUR Children—is to share the truth in love about all things education. After devoting 25 years and counting to education, serving as a tenured public school teacher, 19-year home-school veteran (who is still currently home-schooling), home-school consultant, advocate, and founder of the Free YOUR Children home-school support group and ministry, it has become clear that there is a battle raging for the souls of our nation’s children. It is my hope that through this ministry parents will be equipped for battle. With the help of the Holy Spirit, my prayer is that Free YOUR Children will encourage, equip and educate parents, convicting them to assume the responsibility of discipling and teaching their own children.

The show airs on WXRQ 1460 AM and is available in 113 countries through various available streaming services. Find one such option here. The show airs on Thursday nights at 8 p.m. Central time.

As a conservative Christian, it is important to me to have a platform that represents Free YOUR Children’s ministry and mission. WXRQ is a Christian radio station that wholeheartedly supports biblical education. It is a platform that allows Christians the opportunity to speak boldly about our convictions without fear of the censorship that has become increasingly commonplace in other forms of social media.

We have an amazing lineup of guests for the Free YOUR Children radio installments scheduled so far. Topics covering school choice, education legislation, Common Core, SEL, CRT, mental health, Marxism and the history of compulsory education have all already made an appearance. Encouragement, support and resources for parents who are considering home-schooling are also at the forefront. Education is an ever-evolving topic, and one of the goals of the show will be to focus on education news in all 50 states. I am currently lining up guests who are experts within the education field to speak about topics of concern across the nation.

Listeners may email me regarding questions or ideas for topics to be covered on the show. If you have recommendations for future guests, please reach out and let me know. Education is a broad subject and there is never a lack of material to discuss. Reach me at

In my opinion, the timing for the show is perfect. Parents across the nation have experienced an awakening of sorts in terms of what is happening within the walls of public schools. They have begun to ask questions, and many are not only asking questions but standing up in droves and removing their children from public schools. Home-schooling continues to experience growth.

“There were an estimated 3.135 million home-school students (i.e., school-age, ages 5 to under 18, K-12) in the United States during the 2021–22 school year. For context, this was more than in Catholic schools (1.688 million; National Catholic Educational Association) and probably slightly fewer than in government public charter schools,” according to a study conducted by the National Home Education Research Institute.

The month of December seems to always be a catalyst of change for many parents. Each year, when schools break for Christmas, I get inquiries into home schooling. Parents unhappy with public schools use this break to start delving into what they need to do to withdraw their children from public school.

If you are considering home schooling and plan on your children not returning after Christmas break, familiarize yourself with your state laws regarding home schooling. Decide what model of home schooling you wish to implement. Research the types of educational models you think will best fit your family. Is it the Classical, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling or Traditional model? Find a mentor! Choose a seasoned home-school mentor that has graduated at least one child via home schooling. They will be a wealth of information and can help encourage you.

Don’t forget to de-school!

Connect with a local home-school community but do your research and make sure they are aligned with what you hope to accomplish as a home-school family. Consider hiring a home-school consultant to help you create a plan and to navigate the uncharted waters.

If you would like more information about home schooling, feel free to contact me. I do provide one-on-one consultation to families considering home schooling. The Free YOUR Children ministry equips parents with the information and support they need to make a successful leap. Don’t forget to tune in to the weekly radio show, Free YOUR Children, Thursday nights at 8 p.m. on WXRQ 1460 AM for additional encouragement, support, resources and information.

Our children are future disciples. Discipleship begins in our homes. It is our most important ministry and it is up to parents to equip themselves and their children for battle.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10–11

[Pictured: Tiffany Boyd adds another pin to the WXRQ listener world map.]


About the Author

Tiffany Boyd is the founder of Free YOUR Children LLC, host of Free YOUR Children radio show, a homeschool advocate, consultant, speaker, journalist and education researcher. She holds a B.S. degree in interdisciplinary studies from MTSU. She is a wife, mother to five children and a grandmother. She is a former tenured public school teacher. She and her husband have home educated for 20-plus years. Contact her at

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  • Steve Cates

    I know of no children hereabouts who are imprisoned, so the “free” business goes way over my head. Public school is not perfect, but explain to the two parents working full-time jobs who have three or four children just how possible home schooling is for them!? Let’s work hard together to improve our public schools and help those parents, especially, for whom home schooling is not possible. As to things such as “CRT”, off-lamented and cursed, please show where this is being taught in TN public schools, grades pre-K to the senior year.

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