During difficult economic times, more Americans are enjoying their time off while traveling less. Creating a bird-friendly backyard habitat is one way to enjoy the outdoors while staying close to home.
The average backyard may be visited regularly by 10 to 15 different bird species. However, a bird-friendly yard can attract up to 50 or more different species. To attract the greatest number of bird species, provide at least one of each of these habitat elements: food, water, cover and a place for birds to raise their young.
“Attracting a variety of birds requires a variety of foods,” said Joann Royer, co-owner of the Murfreesboro Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop. “Offering a fresh seed blend is the best way to entice birds to your yard.”
Providing an easy-to-find source of food not only gives birds nourishment, but it also gives them more time to find mates, build nests, raise their young and perform other duties that are key to their survival.
Birds need water just as much as they need food. Their high metabolic rate and respiratory system drains moisture from their bodies quickly. However, birds use water for more than just a thirst quencher; they also use it for bathing and preening their feathers. Clean feathers are important for birds’ health and optimum flying ability.
Birds need protective cover for times of rest, social interaction and as a retreat from foul weather and predators. Plants that are native to our soil and climate provide the best overall food sources for wildlife and support from 10 to 50 times more native wildlife than exotic (or non-native) plants.
A Place to Raise Their Young
The same plantings that provide shelter can provide safe areas for many bird species to mate, build nests and raise their families. But with the increased loss of natural habitat, cavity-nesting birds lack appropriate sites to nest. By providing bird houses, you will encourage birds to raise their young in your backyard.
Wild Birds Unlimited specializes in bringing people and nature together with bird feeding and nature products, expert advice and educational events. For lots more information on birds and to shop online visit wbu.com/murfreesboro. Call the Murfreesboro store at 615-869-7975.