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Dare to Not Be Threatened, Stand for Free Expression

It’s no secret that a small group of individuals can have a huge impact on social thought and behavior through the power of media. In today’s society certain topics or viewpoints are constantly pushed to the forefront, while others are silenced or ridiculed, a phenomenon often referred to as being “woke.”

But it’s really just old-fashioned political correctness. It involves a self-proclaimed moral superiority that justifies the suppression of alternate opinions and the social, if not actually legal, punishment of those who dare to challenge the dominant narrative. Some of these online activists even refer to themselves as social justice warriors, whatever that is. It is a dangerous trend that is rapidly eroding our freedom of speech and creating a culture of fear and conformity.

One recent example of this is the way that the government and mainstream media attempted to hide the Hunter Biden laptop story. For those who may not be familiar with the story, it involves a laptop that was allegedly owned by Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. The laptop contained a wealth of information about Hunter’s business dealings, including emails and documents that potentially implicate him or his family in various forms of wrongdoing.

Despite the potentially explosive nature of this story, the government and mainstream media worked together to suppress it, as the Twitter files have shown. They labeled the laptop story as a baseless conspiracy theory and refused to allow it to be mentioned on the platform. This is a clear example of how a relatively small group of individuals can use their power and influence to control the narrative and shape public opinion. George Orwell is turning in his grave.

Another topic that is increasingly being silenced is the propagation of gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a condition in which an individual experiences discomfort or distress due to a discrepancy between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth. While it is important to recognize and support individuals who are struggling with gender dysphoria, it is equally important to have open and honest discussions about the issue.

Men are now able to compete in women’s sports, which is not only an affront to athletic sportsmanship, but this phenomenon entirely ruins the challenge itself—not to mention how it affects the women who are deprived of scholarships, sponsorships and prize money. Even once-trusted references such as the Cambridge Dictionary have succumbed to this misconception.

Unfortunately, pragmatic discussions are often shut down or ridiculed, with those who dare to challenge the dominant narrative being labeled as transphobic or hateful. This kind of censorship is actually quite damaging to the LGBTQ+ community, as it stifles the kind of open and honest dialogue that is necessary for progress and understanding.

The idea of being “woke” has its roots in social justice activism, but it has now been co-opted by those who seek to control and manipulate public discourse. These individuals use their platforms to spread fear and intimidation, vilifying anyone who disagrees with their ideology as hateful or bigoted. This creates a climate of fear, where people are afraid to speak out or express their true beliefs for fear of being ostracized, punished or even fired.

This kind of censorship is reminiscent of the Gestapo, the secret police of Nazi Germany. Established in the 1930s with the rise of Hitler, the Gestapo was notorious for its use of intimidation and propaganda to suppress dissent and maintain control over the population. It is chilling to see similar tactics being used today to stifle free speech and suppress critical thinking.

At what point did we as a society surrender the ideal of expressing different perspectives? But many Americans tend to give way to the threat of social judgment. It is time for us to reclaim our right to free speech and open dialogue, and resist the urge to conform to the dominant narrative of the day.

As freedom-loving Americans, we must stand up to this intimidation and dare to not be threatened. Only by speaking out for our beliefs can we hope to create a truly inclusive and diverse society. So, let’s dare to not be threatened. Let’s stand up for our right to express our opinions freely before it’s too late.


About the Author

Blaine Little is the founder and CEO of Momentum Seminars Training and Coaching, a veteran owned business, helping companies remain profitable by investing in their people. He publicly trains and privately coaches the power skills of leadership, team building and better communication. Learn more about the power of Momentum at Be sure to get his book Managerial Mistakes, Missteps & Misunderstandings, available now on Amazon in paperback or Kindle format. Check out his podcast at

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