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Winter Is a Wonderful Time to Feed the Birds; Water, Shelter Also Critical When Below Freezing

Winter is a challenging time for birds. Days are often windy and cold; nights are long and even colder.

Wild birds use a variety of techniques to stay warm during the frigid winter months. While they are equipped to withstand most winter weather, survival can be made easier for them by providing food, a heated, open source of water and protection from freezing temperatures with natural plant cover or a roosting box. These are only some steps to take to attract feathered guests into your backyard this winter.

Primarily, food is the most crucial element for a bird’s winter survival.

“Feeding the birds is even more critical as we experience extremely cold conditions, during which a supply of food can mean the difference between life and death for a bird,” explained Joann Royer of Murfreesboro Wild Birds Unlimited. “Ideally, birds should have food available late afternoon in order to survive the cold nights, and early morning to replenish their energy supply.”

To stay warm, birds will expend energy very quickly, some losing up to 10 percent of their body weight on extremely cold nights. A high-fat high-calorie diet is crucial for helping birds survive the rigors of winter. The best seeds for providing high-energy levels are black oil sunflower, sunflower chips and safflower. Suet and peanuts are also high-energy foods that are invaluable when birds need many more calories to keep warm.

In addition to supplying birds with food, birds also need a place to bathe when temperatures drop. Providing birds with an open water source will allow them to clean their feathers, which helps birds stay warm. Also, a bird bath with fresh unfrozen water is often the only way for some birds to drink, when it is cold. By either adding an immersion-style water heater to the water source or purchasing a bird bath with a built-in heater, a bird bath in the winter has the potential to attract as many birds as bird food!

Finally, a natural plant cover or roosting box is also advised to help protect birds from harsh winters. By providing birds with these shelter options, you are also helping them secure safety from predators.

For more advice on caring for your backyard birds in frigid weather, contact the local bird experts at Wild Birds Unlimited at The Avenue Murfreesboro or visit


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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