Whether you choose to read it on a screen or on the printed page—which still gives you just a little bit of that real, physical ink on your fingers—thanks for reading the Pulse. Who knows what kind of cat cafe, taco spot, water gun run, furniture and train store, sandwich and shake shop, honky-tonk, AI event, activity or individual you may discover through the Pulse that becomes a fun and meaningful part of your life.
Access the archives anytime at boropulse.com. There’s information there on all sorts of local restaurants, features on area organizations and people, ideas for Tennessee day trips, and various Murfreesboro-centric directories and resources.
We have a little update on MTSU’s Build Blue project in this issue, as the 2023 football season approaches. I want to see an ongoing Vanderbilt vs. MTSU series. That could be a very positive thing for football fans in the mid-state. Maybe I should talk some smack against the Vanderbilt football program here until they agree—all in the name of friendly competition, of course.
I have been trying to eat clean lately and am feeling great, all pumped up on fruits and veggies. So, Salads on Demand was a fitting featured restaurant this month.
Jr. has become the Mario Kart 64 racing champion around our house.
I have trained him well! (I still may have a shot against him in battle mode, though.)
In this silly and inconsequential example I can sense the mixed emotions when a child becomes better than the parent at something—the overwhelming pride and joy that your offspring has developed a skill, mixed with a little bit of “dang, I just lost to my kid. What a drooling, old senile boomer I’ve become.”
I believe and intend for my boys to surpass all of my skills one day, whether in writing, athletics, music, chess, weightlifting, business or life, and for that to be a good thing.
With Beckett lately . . . oh, just talking about colors and animals and helicopters, trains and tractors. At times he can entertain himself for a good while walking around trying to sit on a cat or pull her tail. The cat will let someone know when they are through playing.
He wrote a little song recently—Chocolate hair, chocolate hair—as he rubbed chocolate in his hair.
Sarah and I, we’re just doing the best we can at this little business and trying to buy groceries and pay taxes and utilities and insurance and trying to save for the future and those boring adult things. But the chocolate hair keeps it fun.
It’s not too much of a struggle to meet your needs when you decide that you really don’t have that many “needs.”
Sarah does a lot for the family, trying to keep the boys washed and supplied with clean laundry, and clean dishes in the cabinet all while educating them, too (and designing and guiding the Pulse).
The summer is flying by. We have gotten to do a little gardening and got a little sun.
Murfreesboro Chess Lunch is becoming a tradition: the fourth Monday of every month in the back room of Carmen’s Taqueria, 11–1. Come play chess with me! It’s been a good group lately. Fun stuff.
Please do consider using the Pulse to help get out the word on your local business, event, organization or message.
I appreciate everyone’s help, advice and support.
Visit with your friends and family, take a swim, experience something new.