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Steered Straight Thrift

Polka and Positivity: LynnMarie and E3 Squeeze Into Puckett’s on Nov. 10

Accordion queen LynnMarie is in Middle Tennessee. Although one of her best-loved original compositions just so happens to be titled “That’s What I Like About the North,” you can catch the five-time Grammy nominee, who blends Americana, country, rock and Eastern-European influences, in the South. “Powered by polka and positivity” and accompanied by her band E3, the polka princess is set to take the stage at Puckett’s Murfreesboro on Nov. 10, accordion-armed and ready.

LynnMarie has made numerous television appearances over the years, not the least of which led to a lauding by Jay Leno as “the Dixie Chick of polka.” But she’s also had numerous life experiences, which led to her putting pen to paper for an up-close-and-personal book titled Wrap Your Heart Around It. The moving memoir dives deeply into some difficult territory, but to watch her exude her light onstage and to become caught up in her happy tunes you’d never know such spots existed (evidently for awhile, neither did she).

“Everyone gets something in life; financial hardship, sickness, loss—but I’ve learned that acceptance is the key to be able to keep moving,” she says.

And move she does. Though she may be credited as LynnMarie Rink on her book, this is hardly any rinky-dink operation. The memoir actually resulted in an off-Broadway production which LynnMarie wrote and starred in. She impacts others in the motivational speaker arena as well, making speaking appearances in addition to performing.

So open up your hearts, and your mouths, and get ready to celebrate “accordion-ly” as LynnMarie and E3—comprised of award-winning musician (oh, and her husband) Eddie Rodick III, David Vaughan on drums and Will Mandell on bass guitar—play Puckett’s Murfreesboro on Friday, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m.

LynnMarie and E3 have you covered for the holidays, too, with their original rockin’ composition “Christmas in Polka Town,” available on multiple platforms.

Puckett’s is located at 114 N. Church St. on the Square; no cover. Find out more about all projects and upcoming show dates at


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