The Education Freedom Scholarship Act has been unveiled in Tennessee, though as of the writing of this article the verbiage of the exact bill has not been made available to the public.
However, the press release outlines the globalist agenda that Tennessee Governor Bill Lee is promoting. It is interesting to note that a major focus of this “Freedom” Act is its emphasis on children who have been labeled as “at-risk.” It specifically highlights the “at-risk” student population. The at-risk designation is described as the socioeconomically disadvantaged and those with disabilities.
Parents, are you aware that schools can now bill Medicaid without the parents’ consent?
Schools across the state and the nation have been medicalized and loaded with mental health professionals and behavioral health liaisons in an attempt to identify “at-risk” students and diagnose as many children as possible. They have now crafted and are intending to implement their master plan of destroying true private education by trapping those who have effectively held on to true educational freedom. By dangling the carrot in front of the faces of home-school families and private schools, the globalists will finally have the ability to make all forms of education government-controlled if families take the bait. Families that fall victim to the school choice trap will then have their children subject to the government. The government will be calling the shots in terms of a child’s education and healthcare.
Private schools that accept ESAs or vouchers will be required to follow the same testing and curriculum guidelines as public schools. That means the curriculum will be embedded with social-emotional learning and will be Common Core-aligned. The government will not fund religious education, so that will be stripped away as well. The private schools that sell out will be required to participate in the data mining of their students. That means that your child’s private data can and will be sold without your knowledge. FERPA allows this. Your children can be targeted as an at-risk student and Medicaid can be billed without your permission.
Home schoolers who fall for the trap will be subjected to audits, and will be required to purchase curriculum and choose services from an approved list. That approved list will be required to be public school-equivalent. Gone will be curriculum that teaches a creation-based worldview. Eventually, the state will demand standardized testing on home-school students because, after all, if the government is funding it, they have a right to demand academic accountability that is in line with the standards they set.
What happens if a parent doesn’t agree with the content of the curriculum from the approved list?
You will be required to teach it anyway, because what the government funds it runs. Don’t believe me? It has already happened in states where school choice legislation has been adopted. If you would like more information on how the freedom of home schoolers in those states have been detrimentally affected contact me at freeyourchildren@gmail.com.
Tennessee is full of families that relocated to the state to escape the exact government overreach that our leaders are now trying to implement in Tennessee. What if you refuse to teach state-mandated curriculum? Your child can’t score well on a test that covers materials they haven’t been taught. They can then demand that you enroll them in public school if their testing results don’t meet their standards. What happens if you refuse? Your child would then be labeled as “at-risk” and you can be charged with educational neglect. How much is your freedom worth? How much is your child’s freedom worth?
At what point in time did we believe the lie that the government can effectively educate our children?
Do residents of Tennessee truly believe that the same system they claim is failing suddenly has become the solution?
In 2022, my local home-school group traveled to the Capitol and met with our state representatives regarding the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement. In these meetings, we outlined that home schoolers were adamantly opposed to school choice funding and we explained why.
The home-school community has come out in force writing letters, making phone calls, scheduling meetings and protesting legislation that seeks to destroy our freedoms. Home-school families vote and they are politically engaged. Home schooling is also exploding across the nation. We will be holding these elected officials accountable for refusing to protect our God-given right to educate our children as we see fit if they continue to promote legislation that threatens our freedoms.
These are the same lawmakers who thought warehousing kids in boarding charter facilities was a good idea. They are the same lawmakers who drafted legislation that would deny parents the right to remove their children from public school if they had five or more unexcused absences in a school year. These are the same lawmakers that instituted a Child Wellbeing Task Force and planned on visiting the homes of private, public and home-schooled children to perform well-being child checks.
Do your research on the history of school choice. Do you know the entire goal from the beginning has been to globalize education? The end goal is to strip away true educational freedom. Do not fall for the false narrative of school choice.
Do you know the largest lobbying organizations for school choice, the American Federation for Children, and what they have to gain?
The face of school choice, Corey DeAngelis, a senior fellow with the American Federation for Children and the executive director of the Education Freedom Institute, was listed as an inclusive policy lab expert for UNESCO on its website. After backlash, his bio was scrubbed from the website and he has refused to answer questions regarding his affiliation with UNESCO.
UNESCO has been clear regarding its goals for education, to “develop policies and programmes to promote ESD [Education for Sustainable Development] and GCED [Global Citizenship Education] and bring them into the mainstream of formal, non-formal and informal education through system-wide interventions, teacher training, curricular reform and pedagogical support. This includes implementing the Global Action Programme on ESD and addressing themes such as human rights, gender equality, health, comprehensive sexuality education, climate change, sustainable livelihoods and responsible and engaged citizenship, based on national experiences and capabilities.”
Your child will be groomed to be the perfect global citizen in order to fulfill the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals.
Free YOUR Children is on a mission to educate as many people as possible about the nefarious agenda behind the false narrative of school choice. The future of our nation is at risk but, most importantly, the souls of our children are at risk. Free YOUR Children has been traveling across the state hosting seminars that cover the globalist agenda in education. We can’t fight what we don’t know or understand. Education is the first step. The public must be educated regarding the truth about education.
If you have not had the opportunity to attend a seminar hosted by Free YOUR Children and would like more information, contact me. Facts do not lie and history is playing out before our eyes. This agenda is not a secret. They have been forthcoming about their plans since their inception. The problem is that far too many people simply haven’t bothered to do their own research and many others have something to gain from the implementation of the globalist agenda. If you value your freedoms, it is imperative that you act now. Free YOUR Children is rolling out a plan of action and is actively engaged in the fight to protect our educational and parental rights. Contact me for more information.
[Photo, top, courtesy of cottonbro studio / Pexels]