Greetings, earthlings.
What does Murfreesboro have coming up on the horizon? Well, there’s the inaugural Gallagher Festival celebrating sweet bluegrass string sounds on Walnut Street, the Boro BBQ Fest at its new home at the Miller Coliseum, a wedding expo at Lane Agri Park, the Special Olympics Track Meet at MTSU, JazzFest at the Fountains, a triathlon to benefit Endure Athletics, vintage base ball (yep, that’s two words!) and much more!
Additionally, this edition of the Pulse celebrates Catfeine Cat Cafe and its mission to connect cats and humans.
Unfortunately, the Mayos had to say our goodbyes to our Shaky Cat recently. Our little orange, spindly-legged special-needs cat passed away in March. He was a special, loving little guy. Rest easy my friend! Was good to know you.
For a feline friend of your own, pay a visit to Catfeine and learn more about their adoption process.
The things of this earth shall pass away . . . your shoes will get holes, your car will get rusty or smashed, your tech devices will cease to function and your roof will leak.
And the people you love will die.
I don’t see that as being pessimistic. That’s just the way the world works.
Don’t be surprised when these things happen. But for now—we live!
And it is spring. I, for one, am ready for some sun.
Otherwise, I continue trying to learn something new every day, and help the children learn; not simply teaching in preparation for taking a test, but to learn how to think, to create, to problem-solve and to live.
What do you have going on? Keep the community information coming the Pulse’s way.
Sincere thanks to the team. A lot of folks are involved in every edition of the Pulse. Many individuals touch it, getting all of the info compiled and keeping it on the rails.
From those most dedicated to the details of its production and distribution, putting long hours into page design, copy editing, writing stories and delivering copies, to all of those who submit events, place advertising, write articles, operate the printing press, share content online and those who spend time with our children and deliver our groceries as we work on the Pulse—thanks to everyone who has a role, large or small, and helps make this community endeavor a reality.
Of course, without all of you readers standing by, eagerly awaiting the arrival of each neatly packaged and presented edition—a guide to the upcoming month in the area—what would be the point?
How can the Pulse be useful in making your vision a reality and communicating your message to the people of Murfreesboro?
Keep in touch: bracken@boropulse.com.
As you certainly can see by my name, bubba,
we had our fatal accident a shortXago. And
this is what I wrote:
Yo! Bro! As you very well know,
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust, baby.
Thus, if sHe’s gonna
resurrect/respect U.S.
follow me to the Wedding Feast:
● NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com ●
Make Your Choice -SAW
Comment April 10, 2024 @ 6:33 pm