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Planning for an Inheritance: Don’t Overlook These Important Steps

As the Baby Boomer generation reaches its golden years, many are contemplating how to leave a lasting impact on their families. This goes beyond simply naming beneficiaries; it’s about ensuring that your legacy is used wisely and supports the future of your loved ones.

Give Instructions on How to Spend It
The majority of us will one day leave something to our heirs, but it’s usually worded something like “each of my children gets an equal portion of my estate.” As a result, some will spend it on a nice car, a vacation, to pay off bills, or do whatever they feel like makes sense to them. This could be just fine with you, but what if you believe there is a better way? You may not want to force your child to donate some of their inheritance to charity, but you might suggest it. You may be surprised to find them receptive to the idea. Give some consideration to leaving some suggestions. Your children will appreciate it.

What Happens After You Pass?
Once we are no longer here, we can’t tell people what our contingency plan would have been. For example, if you pass at age 65 your spouse may remarry. What would happen if you leave all of your money to your spouse and then they pass before their second spouse does? Would that potentially mean your children inherit nothing? It certainly can play out that way. The surviving spouse could leave all of their assets (including yours) to their children, cutting yours out.

Effective strategies exist to prevent this from happening, so be sure you talk with your favorite estate planning attorney to protect your family accordingly.

Safeguarding Grandchildren’s Inheritance
What happens if you go to a sporting event with your daughter and on the way home a tragic accident claims both your lives? If your will states that your assets are to be divided up between your children, then you now have two children who survive you as opposed to three. You may have just disinherited your grandchildren, because now 50% of your estate might go to each of your children that are alive. A simple language change in your will can ensure that your daughter’s family gets one-third of the estate in this situation rather than her family receiving nothing.

Tax Cost
Of course, I would be remiss not to point out the benefits of reducing your taxes through comprehensive planning. I don’t know anyone who wants to leave a financial gift to the IRS. There are a number of tax strategies that will allow you to keep more of your money and give less to Uncle Sam.

Gifting is an important strategy that many overlook. When I was going for my Master’s in Taxation, one of my professors did estate planning for high-net-worth individuals and she found that the most frustrating thing was people’s unwillingness to distribute their estate to their children and grandchildren for fear of needing the money. The thought of borrowing money from those whom they wanted to give their money to was too hard to swallow. As a result, they gave more of their money to the government. You can gift up to $18,000 to every individual you know, and there are strategies to distribute more as needed. If you have three married children and six grandchildren, you have 12 family members to whom you can give money each year. That’s $216,000 per year you can give away, tax free. Do that for 10 years and see how much you can get out of your estate!

Consider your tax bracket compared to that of your heirs’. You might be in a lower tax bracket than your working children. Taking calculated withdrawals from your retirement accounts, with the guidance of a financial advisor, could be advantageous. For example, strategically converting some traditional IRA funds to a Roth IRA before retirement can provide tax-free withdrawals for your heirs in the future. Consulting a financial advisor can help you develop personalized strategies to minimize taxes on your estate and maximize the amount your heirs ultimately receive.

Beyond the Basics – Additional Considerations
Digital Assets: With the rise of digital assets like cryptocurrency and online accounts, ensure that your plan addresses how these will be managed and transferred to your heirs.

Business Succession: If you own a business, consider incorporating a succession plan to ensure a smooth transition after your passing.

Special Needs Considerations: If you have a loved one with special needs, a special needs trust can be established to ensure their continued care without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits.

By taking a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to inheritance planning, you can create a lasting legacy that supports your loved ones’ financial well-being for years to come.


(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not tax, legal or financial advice. Everyone’s situation is different, so consult a financial advisor. If you would like to connect with me, please call 615-619-6919 or email me at


About the Author

Sean Moran is a financial advisor with Red Barn Financial in Murfreesboro. Contact him at 615-619-6919 or

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