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Steered Straight Thrift

Call to Action

When I see Christians call for their brothers and sisters in Christ to be still, pray and have faith, it leads to a stirring deep within my psyche. All of those actions are a given for Christians, or at least they should be. Statements such as these assume that Christians are not already implementing these tenets of their faith and I feel that many times it is an excuse to not do costly things, such as act.

“God is in control but he doesn’t expect you to lean on a shovel and pray for a hole.”

Just think what might have happened if our forefathers had not taken action. I’m certain they were already praying and studying God’s Word. God gave them what they needed to change the trajectory of our nation and to make history. Americans enjoy their freedoms today due to the actions of our forefathers and the sacrifices of those brave enough to take action. All enjoy the fruits, yet so few understand the cost. What I would like to see in our nation, particularly from Christians, is a call to action. God has already given us the tools. Will we use them?

Unfortunately, the American public has been distracted by devices, sports, and entertainment meant solely to lull us into complacency. It is no wonder that football stadiums are reminiscent of the Roman Colosseum, which was used in the same manner. It served as a distraction from the issues of the day, hosting events offering free food and entertainment referred to as “Panem et Circenses” (bread and circuses), a very effective political strategy still being utilized today.

“Panem et Circenses : bread and circuses: sustenance and entertainment provided by government to appease public discontent” — Merriam-Webster

A large portion of the American public has no idea how government works nor how a bill becomes a law. Many do not even know who their representatives are, how to find them, nor which district they reside in, yet many of the same individuals know all the stats from their favorite sports teams. Hours are spent mindlessly scrolling social media, and enormous amounts of money are spent on concerts and sporting events. Mindless entertainment such as this has set a snare for the American public and created a politically ignorant society that believes that the only action its citizens are required to take is to vote, if they even bother to do that. Then we cry and rail over the state of our nation.

What does action look like? For the most part it has been reduced to nothing more than social gatherings where well-intentioned individuals beat their chests and have deep discussions about the state of affairs, boldly professing how they will not stand for having their liberties stripped away. Then they leave, feeling like they have solved the world’s problems and go home and partake in their mindless entertainment once again.

On Sundays and Wednesdays, they likely attend church where the pastor steps around the real issues, avoiding the elephant in the room or even worse, spews propaganda that sells the congregation a false and dangerous lie about freedom, now branded “school choice.” The goal of school choice is to advance communism and this results in all forms of education being government controlled. In case you don’t know, communism isn’t fond of Christianity. At the helm of most churches are pastors controlled by committees and boards, 501(c)(3) statuses, and who are afraid to share truth from the pulpit. Afraid to take a stand. Afraid to educate and protect their flock.

If a church is encouraging its congregants to take advantage of government funded programs, then it has abdicated the responsibility of the church to the government. The church has the sole responsibility of making sure the needs of its congregants are met, and it is their responsibility to make sure their congregation is educated regarding the snares that are being set for Christian families.

I have met numerous pastors over the years through my work with Free YOUR Children. Very few know or understand the educational climate in our state of Tennessee and the U.S. Even fewer are willing to have the conversation. Most will do almost anything to avoid the conversation. Does your church leadership understand the medicalization of schools, the history of school choice and the goal of the globalization of education? If you haven’t had a conversation with your church leadership, I would encourage you to do so. The future of our nation depends on it.

No doubt, the dissemination of information is invaluable. Free YOUR Children is committed to arming families with the information they need to protect their educational, parental and Constitutional rights, yet it mustn’t stop there. By implementing strategic, operational and tactical levels of analysis we can formulate a blueprint of action, as noted in Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, and JP 3-0, Joint Operations. “The three levels of warfare—strategic, operational, and tactical—link tactical actions to achievement of national objectives.”

We recognize that we are in a battle. It is a battle we cannot lose. Are we willing to allow our children to be the spoils of the war? Free YOUR Children is engaged and prepared to fight. Will you stand with us on the battlefield? We are taking action and committed to the fight.

Education is the first course of action and serves as the strategic way to identify issues. Christians should be asking themselves how are we affected at a local, state, national and global level by these issues and what can we do.

Free YOUR Children has been and will continue taking action. We have real boots on the ground. We are politically engaged and we are on the front lines.

We have been planning for an alternative home-school option in Tennessee that would give home-school families complete autonomy. That language has now been sent to be finalized and we are launching a campaign for legislation titled the FREE Act.

Home-school families must act if they want to maintain their freedoms. They must start calling senators and representatives now and tell them to support the FREE Act.

Free YOUR Children will be an active presence again this legislative session. We will be tracking legislation, attending committee meetings, and fighting for the rights of Tennessee families and families across the nation. We will be hosting seminars, interviewing experts across the U.S. on the Free YOUR Children radio and TV show, penning articles for the Pulse to keep you informed and much more, but we need your help. Are you willing to suit up and join us? If you are committed to freedom, contact me at for more information on how you can help.


Photo, top, courtesy of Pressmaster / Pexels


About the Author

Tiffany Boyd is the founder of Free YOUR Children LLC, host of Free YOUR Children radio show, a homeschool advocate, consultant, speaker, journalist and education researcher. She holds a B.S. degree in interdisciplinary studies from MTSU. She is a wife, mother to five children and a grandmother. She is a former tenured public school teacher. She and her husband have home educated for 20-plus years. Contact her at

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