Navy veteran and award-winning podcaster Richard Fleek recently released his new cookbook, From Sailor to Backyard Cook: Cooking with Squidly. This cookbook contains easy-to-follow recipes for all skill levels alongside quotes from both local and non-local veterans, all for a cause.
“When I’d go to an American Legion, if I saw an old man sitting at the bar, I’d always stop and pick his brain and, you know, find out his story. And I soon realized, these stories needed to be documented, because once these individuals pass on, that story goes with them and that story is never to be heard again,” Fleek said. “I was thinking of other ways to get the stories out, because not a lot of people want to sit and listen to a two-hour podcast, right? So my goal was to write a book with short stories in it, so kind of like a Chicken Soup for the Soul.
“I came up with this idea. ‘How about I just write a cookbook?’ In the cookbook, you’ll get a recipe, and next to a recipe, there’ll be a quote from one of America’s heroes, and it turned out awesome.”
You can find full versions of these veterans’ stories within Richard’s podcast, The Scuttlebutt Podcast. This podcast was also born from Richard’s interest in veteran stories and his desire to preserve them, an intrigue that began some time ago as he comes from a long line of veterans.
“When I was a young kid, I was fortunate enough to have seven grandparents. I had four of my grandparents and three great-grandparents. So out of that, I had three grandfathers, and all three of them were combat veterans,” Fleek told the Pulse. “My great-grandfather served in World War I in the United States Navy, and his son served in the United States Army with Old Hickory 30th division, and he served in World War II, and he fought Hitler’s SS Division twice, and beat him both times. My other grandfather—my dad’s dad, my Grandpa Fleek—he was in the United States Navy. He was actually in boot camp in the Navy, and they cut his boot camp short and sent him to Pearl Harbor to clean up the wreckage—you know, fill body bags.”
Fleek said he used to love to talk to his grandparents about their days in the service and was fascinated by the impact it had on them.
“My Grandpa Karr, the one in the Army, he would break down and get emotional, and always it intrigued me, because this man was the strongest person I’ve ever met in my life. He really was. He basically lived off the land. He was just one strong dude. And for him to break down like that, it just intrigued me even more,” Fleek said. “So, I just spent an entire life asking these guys questions. Well, then I became a sailor myself, and I joined the Navy.”
These experiences and conversations led Richard to start an organization called Minutes Wisely, which combats veteran suicide and spreads mental health awareness. The proceeds from the cookbook go fully towards funding this nonprofit organization.
“I realized real quick that there’re a lot of broken souls out there, and a lot of these guys are committing suicide. So I wanted to do more, rather than, you know, just share their stories,” he said. “I started a nonprofit, and the nonprofit’s name is Minutes Wisely, and what we do to combat veteran suicide is we send veterans, first responders, and Gold Star family members to sporting events.”
Minutes Wisely Christmas Campaign
Minutes Wisely is currently asking supporters to focus their attention on their most recent donation campaign. Recently, a local veteran lost his battle with mental health, leaving behind a wife and child. Donations go towards funding this family’s Christmas to show them the love and support they need during this difficult season of their lives. Donate to this campaign at givebutter.com/RgNQLP. This link can also be found on the Minutes Wisely Facebook page. Every single dollar will go directly to the affected family.
“When I’m out at an event somewhere,” Fleek says, “I’ll have my table and someone will say ‘Oh! A cookbook!’ I always respond with ‘Yeah, it’s not just any cookbook. It’s the only cookbook in America that saves lives.”
Find From Sailor to Backyard Cook: Cooking with Squidly on Amazon. Tune into The Scuttlebutt Podcast at scuttlebuttpodcast.co, and learn more about the Minutes Wisely organization at minuteswisely.com.