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Steered Straight Thrift

Which Way to the Greenway? Trailheads Throughout Murfreesboro Access Scenic Local Greenway System

For all sorts of outdoor adventures right in the heart of Murfreesboro, embark on a journey along the massive Murfreesboro Greenway.

Numerous trailheads offer the chance to explore the 15 miles of the trail system in sections. A main Greenway artery travels 10.5 miles from the Thompson Lane Trailhead to Barfield Crescent Park. The energetic can take on this entire path all at once. While that 21-mile journey may not be doable on foot for most, bicycles are indeed allowed on the Greenway, and for some cyclists the prospect of a 21-mile trip on pavement free from cars is a welcome one.

Fortress Rosecrans

Offshoots from this trail lead to Cannonsburgh Village and to Fortress Rosecrans, while a separate 1.3-mile standalone piece known as the North Murfreesboro Greenway connects the Central Valley Trailhead to the area near Walter Hill Dam, aside from the main, lengthier portion.

Wherever you are in Murfreesboro, you’re probably not too far away from a Greenway entry point.

When the weather is nice, the Greenway’s miles of beautiful and peaceful trails are loaded with cyclists, scooters, strollers, dogs and pedestrians.

With plenty of room for a whole swarm of folks to spread out along what some describe as a “linear park,” the Greenway can feel a world away from nearby traffic jams and commerce.

Connecting many of Murfreesboro’s parks and linking other interesting and important local destinations, the city intended those of a wide variety of skill levels to use the trail recreationally, for exercise and to experience nature, but also as a legitimate travel corridor for those on foot, bicycle, e-scooter, skateboard, roller blades or even the occasional e-unicycle.

Those traveling the Greenway can reach Cannonsburgh Village, Fountains at Gateway, Stones River National Battlefield, Old Fort Park and its popular playground, tennis courts, golf course and, now, skatepark; Barfield Crescent Park and its disc golf course, hiking trails of its own, Wilderness Station and baseball fields; fishing points and boat ramps, historical reading regarding significant Civil War sites along the trails at Fortress Rosecrans, and the Bark Park at General Bragg Trailhead. It travels near the Square, near the hospital, alongside or across many of Murfreesboro’s busiest roads, and provides access to many of the most popular parts of town, but for the most part, the trail itself remains a green ribbon of preserved nature winding along the Stones River.

With the Murfreesboro Greenway System consisting of 15 miles of trails and 16 trailheads, some locals have their preferred sections that they travel repeatedly, while others intend to walk the entire thing, a segment at a time.

Exploring the section from Southgate to Barfield Park—a portion that officially opened in 2020 and now connects Cason Trailhead to Barfield Crescent Park—visitors find that, as much of the trail also does, it follows alongside the Stones River.

This part of the Greenway contains one large foot bridge over the water and various other smaller ones, and plenty of points from which to fish. The wasps were very active in this area on a warm October afternoon, as were the squirrels and birds—and bicyclists.

With the majority of the Greenway following the path of rivers and creeks, the sounds of running water and birds provide the soundtrack as people travel the trail through the woods, much of it well shaded, with wildflowers lining parts of the pathway and adding splashes of color, and deer roaming about the nearby forest.

“The greenway provides a venue for active lifestyles as well as connecting the community with an alternative transportation option,” said Rachel Singer, Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department assistant director.

Visit some of the Murfreesboro Greenway’s 16 trailheads, each one offering access to unique sections of the trail from historical sites to river views and wooded areas, offering value to all, from seasoned cyclists to young children eager to throw stones in the river. View the trees, flowers, fish and rocks, get some exercise and fresh air, try to spot owls, foxes and other creatures, and step away from urbanization for a time.

Murfreesboro Greenway Trailheads:
Greenway trailheads open at daylight and close one-half hour before sunset.

Barfield Crescent Park Trailhead
697 Veterans Pkwy.

Southridge Boulevard Trailhead
104 Player Dr.

Barfield Road Trailhead
1989 Barfield Rd.

Cason Trailhead
1100 Cason Tr.

Old Fort Park Trailhead
1025 Old Fort Pkwy.

Fortress Rosecrans Trailhead
Golf Ln.

Overall Street Trailhead
264 Overall St.

Cannonsburgh Village Trailhead
312 S. Front St.

Manson Pike Trailhead
1208 Searcy St.

Redoubt Brannan Trailhead
1300 W. College St.

General Bragg Trailhead
1540 W. College St.

West College Street Trailhead
1584 W. College St.

Gateway Island Trailhead
1875 W. College St.

Broad Street Trailhead
1921 NW Broad St.

Thompson Lane Trailhead
2240 N. Thompson Ln.

Central Valley Trailhead
Central Valley Road

Walter Hill Trailhead
Highway 231


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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